The Wrath Of the Swarm

I noticed that the pain was increasing gradually. Screw 75% I don't think I'm even at the 5% of my capacity. Why is it so painful?

[User overloaded his body almost to the time limit, besides the weakened state there is a scaling pain in the user's body depending on the time it Adrenaline burst was used… the user almost reached the limit so it will get more and more painful(Peak around 1h 40m)]

Great… then I'm weakened, and this pain is only going to get worse…

After a little more than half an hour, I was barely able to walk, I don't want to think how is this going to be when it reaches its peak. Luckily we didn't have to wait too long until a group led by Blake appeared. G and Hope were with them and started to run as soon as they noticed me walking with Hayley's help.

G saw me and smiled.

"See? I told you, you always come back on a stretcher."

"I'm still walking."

"Yeah, but on a girl's arms looking like S**t."

Hope opened her big eyes when she saw my condition.

"What happened to you?"

"I fought a minotaur."

Not even Blake could maintain his serious look after he heard it. All of them looked and Hayley wanting to see if it was real or if I was joking… G was the first to talk.

"How hard did he hit his head?"

"It's true…"

"Why you even doubt me?… Hayley kicked a satyr's ass, and those two handled a four meters high boar… Gab supported us from a distance."

Blake seems as he wanted to ask more about it, but I interrupted him, that could wait.

"How are you handling the third wave?"

"Third Wave? We didn't have any report about it, the surroundings of Green Shelter are in calm, and the last monsters should be those that you fought… where did you get that info?"

"Don't worry… someone else is handling it then…"


"No idea… but my source said is ok… let's go back … we talk there."

I was too tired to talk more than that. G's went to my other side to help me move, some other guys helped the rest of the team. My head was spinning, and every step was more painful than the one before, I think I'm going to pass out soon.

"It's true that you guys fought fantasy beasts?"

Hayley nodded at my side.

"Yeah… it was scary, I almost got run over by the minotaur, Spence saved me."

"From the way he looks I have to bet that he stopped it with his face."

"He pushed me out of his way…"

"Not… Funny…G."

We were about 2 blocks away from Green Shelter or maybe three? It could also be just one… I'm not sure.

Blake was helping Zak, and in the meantime, they asked Hayley and Giorgio the details about what happened.

The presence of humanoid beast was something new. I only managed to get the gist of the talk, I suddenly tripped on something… maybe it was my own foot. The pain was unbearable, and I couldn't stay conscious anymore.

"Spence!?! Spence!!"

All I could hear were the worried screams from my friends as I fainted on the floor. I'm never using that stupid ability again.


The third wave never expected so many setbacks, the chieftains lost track of direction and for the third time were moving toward the south of the city unknowingly.

This time they saw humans…

They were on the right track finally…

About a thousand beasts Between Rank F and D got excited and the sight of humans… that was the objective, after all, to kill those that oppressed them in the past.

They focused on the group of ten moving towards the north.

This group was composed of weird people with beast characteristic and normal people. They were led by a bald dark-skinned guy with a severe look on his face together with a mysterious woman with a pale skin that highly contrasted with her black hair and eyes.

When they saw the vast amount of beasts that were about to attack the didn't have another option besides defending their position as they retreated. A particularly fast bull was charging towards them.

Myles Yaxley got in front of the woman and threw a punch to the bull. The shockwave from the impact repelled the beast around and sent the 2-ton bull flying backward sweeping the beast on its path.

The rest of the beasts were scared by this but started their attacks anyway. The woman behind Yaxley had disappeared.

Yaxley wasn't worried about it, but this was a massive setback for his mission. Since the beginning, the task was bounded to fail anyway. They should be focusing on recovering from the last time instead of doing this.

"Ramsey is going to be sooo mad with us… do you think he will punish me??" A seductive voice sounded on Yaxley's ear.

"We have other problems now, this mission was stupid since the beginning, I don't get how Hamilton agreed to this."

"Maybe Ramsey got on his knees and begged to get his Cecily back?"

Myles Yaxley was bored of the conversation with this woman. He was angry for being forced into this mission, so he kicked a boar that was near him. Once again the moment of the impact a considerable shockwave appeared knocking back most of the surrounding beasts. No beast was cocky enough to get near Yaxley after that, so the others started to get overwhelmed. About being ignored Yaxley didn't mind, big lose would be an excellent way to show how stupid was this idea.

Between the group that was forced to take the mission of recovering Cecily, there were 4 weird looking guys, 2 of them had green scale all over their bodies. Another was missing his nose, and his tongue was thin and ended in two points, he seemed to be continually licking the air. The last one had hair all over his body.

As they moved back in defeat, the snake looking guy suddenly exhaled, and dense smoke came out of his mouth.

The poisoned fog started to work on the beast and gave the opportunity for the NDR people to go back to their base without being followed…

The poisonous gas took the lives of about a dozen beasts.


Once again the orders from the Alpha resounded on that part of the city.

The confused beast started to go again in the correct direction, but this time they found more problems and (Unknowingly) fell in another trap, they haven't been able to achieve anything until now…

The first wave was supposed to be a test for their defenses.

The second was to tire them out.

This third wave was supposed to be the final strike, but since the beginning, to the end, The leaders and the Alpha herself felt like being in the paws of a cat that was playing with his food.

Of course, this feeling was also implanted on them.

Deep in the sewers, a white lab rat was in the middle of thousands of rats.

'Oh, my noble and brave warriors,

First was the Swamp Lord who planned to attack and was discovered,

Then the Blood Lord made his move kidnaping their explorers,

This time… the Demon Cow from the farmland is planning a full invasion on the hero's kingdom.

They prepared and tried to make the hero fall into a trap to take care of him!!… The hero fought Bravely and without worries for his own safety…'

'Can you start the attack~? this is taking too long~.'

'I'm almost finished Former Demon Lord, give me a minute… where I was?? Right!

As the righteous believers of the snake goddess and allies of the hero, we can not stand this situation anymore!!

This might be the first of a lot of battle, and many of us might not make it.

But!!! if the Swampland, The Blood Demon, and the Farmland want to get into a war with the northern kingdom of the Hero…

I, Pinky, the great Lord of the southern sewers, blessed by the goddess herself, will stand at his side together with my kingdom in this desperate times…

And declare a full war against the hero's enemies!!

Move forward brave warriors Bite and scratch those farmers!!!!'


Eek!! Eek!!


The farm animals had no clue about what was about to happen but if the amount of beast that came from the farmlands was huge, then the moment when the sewers started to overflow with rats and flooded the farm beasts, that was a sight to behold.

The beast from the farmlands had an ominous feeling as the sound of thousands of rats started to resound in their ears.


The withdraw signal fell at the same time as an essential part of the street collapsed and buried many beasts. The beasts that were outside the collapsed area started to run toward the east back to the farmland.

There were some exceptions, some beasts charged into the rats thinking that they could kill them because they were weak, those beasts were right, with just one charge or sweep they could kill dozens of rats, but these dozens of rats were replaced by others right away making it useless.

The coordination of the rats was flawless they moved like if it was just one entity.

Despite the strength, of the bulls, boars, and other farms beasts, there was nothing that could be done against the Swarm.