
Did I become too cold?

It's not a wordplay because of Hayley's support in this fight, but something that I noticed.

The patrol had three people, Milo took care of one, and the tomahawk was it the middle of the forehead of another, the third one had a defensive ability, but I took it down with a combo of five delayed attacks with the kukri.

[Congratulation for killing an E-Rank Human Esper, 15 system points rewarded]

The effect wasn't as spectacular as the endless combo that I used to finish the man-bull, but the wound that five attacks made at the same time was enough to throw him to the ground moaning in pain half dead, where I ended his life piercing his skull with the spear.

[Congratulation for killing an E-Rank Human Esper, 15 system points rewarded]

And I felt nothing… this is the fifth person that I killed today, and I don't feel bad about it or even think about it until now, there wasn't any difference between this and hunting beasts.

I get that they are mind-broken and more similar to a flesh golem than to people, they are enemies and any of them could be the one killing one of us tomorrow, despite all this I couldn't help but think that I should feel something.

I pulled the spear out of the goon and went to recover the tomahawk. The frosting was covering all the goons as proof of Hayley's help during this fight. Milo surprised me in the fight, I knew that he had an Enhance type ability but the fact that it was the agility enhance that I have wanted for a while, was unexpected.

He moved fast and used a serrated commando type knife. His strikes were fast and merciless he took his goon down in a couple of rapid movements and ended it by directly piercing the heart.

Usually, a team like this would be a lot more difficult to handle, but when they can't move even at a tenth of their speed because of the frosting on their skin and the time slow that I put on them. There was not much they can do to fight back.

"That went well."

Milo said as he calmly cleaning his knife while Mark and Hayley were looking at the guys on the floor, I'm not sure about Mark, but I know that this was the first time that Hayley helps kill someone. It wasn't the first time she sees someone die, I had killed a jumper that tried to kidnap Hope before we joined Green Shelter, and of course, there was my first kill too… but this was different.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok… I think. This is intense."

"Yeah, it is… and it's just beginning."

I need her to be ready for what is going to happen next

"Just keep in your mind, that this same person might be the one that will try to kill you, me or anyone you care in Green Shelter, at least that's what I do. I look at that goon, and I know that is him or I, and if he lives, it can be Hope, Rose, G, or you."

She nodded without saying anything, but at least I think I was able to make her feel a little better a gave her something to hold onto, after all, it was still be me the one that ended their lives and not Hayley so it might not be as bad as I felt the first time.

'Do you think she and Mark are going to be ok?'

Rose has long been already used to this, she has seen me fight and kill since the beginning, she was there for each and every time I had to kill, so she was already used to it to a certain extent even if she hasn't taken someone's life.

'I think it will kick in later when they understand everything we did tonight when the adrenaline stop bumping into their systems and they got time to think calmly… that's the time they will feel it.'

'We will have to be with Hayley when that happens right?'

'Everyone will have to go through this sooner or later, just like we did. We just have to remind them why we are doing it and support them as we supported each other.'

Thanks to our mind perks Rose, and I understood that what we do was the lesser evil, it might feel wrong, but we knew that it was the right thing to do in this situation. The others didn't have this, so the process was going to be more difficult, especially for Hope who will not be able to forget it.

I looked at Hayley one more time to be sure that she was ok, before getting into our way again.

I took the bodies and carried them to a bush nearby, even if it was unlikely for someone else to come here, leaving the bodies on the floor was going to make more likely for them to be discovered sooner if something like this bought us a couple of minutes, it's worth.

Now we need to kill the patrols that are surrounding the house.

I shouldn't say it like this but killing humans it's a lot easier than killing beasts, their reactions are slower, their skin is easier to pierce, and even the enhance type power aren't as effective as in the beasts. With all this when they are under the effects of Time bubble and Hayley's Freeze, it's almost unfair.

The groups had a similar setup, a tank type brawler with a defensive ability, a fast striker speed or a reflex that kind of ability, and the last one varies. In the previous group it was a guy with enhanced sight (this was easy to identify, the aura always concentrate around the eyes), but this time, the third guy has a weird aura I think that I have seen it before, but I don't know where.

I was going to throw my tomahawk to that one, Milo was going to take care of the striker, and I got the tank again.

The next attack went like the one before, the ambush started when they were out of sight of the other guards at one of the sides of Chambers house, slow and freeze fell on three targets.

I threw the tomahawk to the weird aura guy, but somehow he disappeared, at least the tomahawk wasn't lost, it fell on the guy behind him, and the wound was severe enough to leave that one out of combat … the problem was the jumper that if my senses are not wrong just went behind Mark.

I had to act fast and gave a simple order to Milo as I turned to kill the guy that went for Mark and Hayley.

"Entertain the tank."

I hope he gets the gaming talk.

I couldn't throw a knife to him, it was almost impossible for me to do it and be a 100% sure that I wasn't going to hit either Mark or Hayley.

Space was by far the fastest way to move, but it wasn't the only one.

'Accelerate'… Lv. 3 Chronokinetic Combat ability, a 3 second 200% speed boost.

The jumper continued his slowed attack towards Mark who thanks to his reflexes was able to block the first attack with an armguard.

My speed boost took the already jumper entirely off guard. Without giving him time to jump again, I pierced through him with the kukri, he moaned in pain as I tried to cut his body in an attempt to enlarge the wound to make him die faster.

Hayley, as I already told her, moved away to keep her distance and kept using her ability on the three targets. I used my foot to take the goon out off my dagger and throw him to the floor. The wound was enough to get the notification.

[Congratulation for killing an F-Rank Human Esper, 5 system points rewarded]

[Congratulation for killing an E-Rank Human Esper, 15 system points rewarded]

The guy with the tomahawk also died due to blood loss.

As I was going to help Milo, I noticed that it wasn't necessary. The goon he was fighting was already laying on the floor with multiple cuts on his body.

We moved the corpses out of the way before the other patrol arrives if we want to take the second patrol like this we need to be sure that they don't discover the ambush right away.

At that time Rose sounded on my ear again.

'There are movements on the north, I think they found Pollard.'