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I walked away from them but stopped near the corner without losing them from my sight, I wanted to be sure that everything was okay before leaving.

I saw them awkwardly looking at each other for a dew second without knowing what to say.

I imagine that starting with a simple hi didn't even cross their minds, before leaving them I saw that in their minds only was space to remember the day Megan ignored her one of her best friends in a difficult moment. It took a couple of seconds more, but finally, Hayley was able to gather her courage to say 'Hi.'

From there on an awkward conversation started and they walked in the direction of a nearby park. With a smile on my face and hoping that they manage to get over this setback, I moved to the HQ.

As I arrived, I was lucky that there were a lot of groups that haven't left yet. Apparently, they had a reunion before departing to their duties. Mark was with one more guy talking with a girl covered in small band-aids I only made a slight gesture with my head greet him, and he responded in the same way.

Gabriel was also there on a table with 2 more guys that I I have seen before but never talk to. He noticed me and waved, so I went to that table.

"Hey, Spencer are you joining today's hunting too?"

"Hey Gabriel, I wish, but I have things to take care inside the shelter. Who is your group leader?"

"Zak, but we are taking it easy because he just left the hospital. We should come back early, and I hope that he doesn't take too many risks."

"That's perfect, Hayley will come later and wanted to join. Can you guys take her with you?"

"I have to talk with the rest of the team…"

"As if we would reject someone like her."

"I hope she doesn't kill all the beast by herself, I have to show my manly side."

I could see the sparkling eyes as they were accepting Hayley into their group right away, they didn't have any ill intention they felt genuinely blessed.

I knew that it was going to end like this. After Hayley was sent with the reinforcements, thanks to her power, she became kinda famous between the hunting teams. Girls were rare in the teams, and besides 3 or four most of them weren't that good looking, taking into account that Johanna and Ines were in recovery at the hospital right now Hayley stands out even more.

"Great, take good care of her, also I need to deploy some traps around which directions are you taking?"

"I'm not sure yet. I think that's what they are discussing at the reunion right now."

"Oh! Ok, I'll talk with Blake later then."

I noticed that they looked the meat for a while now trying to figure out why I was carrying it.

"I have wanted to ask for a while now but what's going on with that meat?"

"The bait for the traps."

I had to use about 45 points in other supplies, mainly poison.

It's been a while since I have the measly sum of 5 points left… this thing has to work. Otherwise, I will not be able to even get enough bullets for my Five-seveN.

I sat on a table near them and started to cut the meat and put the poison capsules inside. I had to be careful, not that I would poison myself… but the problem was that if I do this wrong the person that uses could have problems.

It took about a half an hour for the reunion to finish, at that time Hayley had just arrived, I noticed her eyes slightly red from crying, but when I was about to ask her, she gave me a soft smile and told me "later."

She attracted a few glances, but most people had to get ready to leave. I noticed Zak coming in this direction too, so I asked him right away.

"Hey, Zak! what route did you get?"

"West, why?"

"Who got the east area?"

People were moving, and most of them were leaving, Zak looked over the crowd and suddenly called.


A short guy with an angry face looked back at him.

"My name is Tillmann don't go around calling people weird names."

"Yeah, Yeah, sure, hey you got the east route?"

"Yes… why?"

The guy looked weird, if he was taller, he would have been imposing, and his wary look would have a better effect. Zak looked at me with a smile and told me.

"There you have one."

"Hi, I'm Spencer, sorry to ask, but I need someone to deploy some traps in the east, can you do it?"

"Why don't you go yourself or ask that idiot to do it."

"I have other things to do in the Shelter today and that idiot ("Hey!"), sorry, and Zak has the west route.

"Too bad, I'm leaving."

Zak smiled and talked out loud.

"Wow, I wonder how Blake would react when he hears that Timmy rejected a personal request from the special ops leader."

Tillmann froze on the spot for a second… right I kinda of outranked them now…

I could see what was in his mind, he was tracking back our conversations looking for a hint that I was really what Zak told I was and this wasn't just some sort of trap to make him do it. "Hi, I'm Spencer…"

Spencer Davies… the leader on the evacuation mission, and then he was made the leader of a special group. There weren't many details about me besides that. This guy wasn't involved in either the reinforcements or the evacuation escort, so had no idea how I look like.

This was taking too long, and if he rejected it any way I need to found someone else right away, so I interrupted his endless and pointless train of thoughts.

"Yes, I'm Spencer Davies. If you doubt about it, you can just go and ask Blake, Milo or Leon. Also, this is not an order is just a favor, so if you find it annoying, I'll look for someone else…"

"I'll do it…"

I hadn't even finished the last sentence when he had already answered. I was surprised by his sudden change of mind, but he was trying to get on my good side, I was his superior after all, and he was interested in the jobs of the special ops.

That made me wonder about the little guy's power, I could see a shadowy aura around him, I think that he has some type of stealth ability, but I need to confirm that in the future. As I was thinking and sizing up Tillmann, he added something.

"…Just one question why the east route?"

It was good that he wanted to know why the east route was something I need for the traps. People that just go around following orders blindly usually choke when a real problem arrives, and they are not good to improvise.

"The traps have poison inside, in the east, there are many snakes and beast that uses poison themselves so the traps might be less effective there."

He took the package carefully and nodded.

"Just spread them along with your route, I made sure that is not dangerous when you use them but be careful anyway, these are gloves so the one with who will be spreading the meat should use them just in case. If something happens, come back right away and tell people to call for me."

"Yes, sir!"

The guy turned around and left with his groups while giving instructions.

With that taken care of Zak and his team said his farewell as well, before they left I suddenly thought of something and got a general antidote with my last five points and gave it to Hayley to use in case she got poisoned.

I gave them the same instruction if someone gets poisoned they have to come back as fast as possible and call for me.

They were ready to depart, so I observed the leave through the nearest gates.

After seeing them leave I turned around and walked to my next stop. This plan was most likely to fail, but this was the easiest way we could think off. If this fails, we will have to take some risks to complete the mission.