Hayley’s Diary: Entry 2

[September 05, 2050]

Sorry for the rush in the last entry…

I just came back from giving backup to the refugees. Thankfully Spencer is okay, but I almost screw up, and he had to save me again.

We just came back home from the hospital, this time he didn't get hurt, he had an ability that gives him a boost, but it has a harsh aftereffect. I was happy to know that he saved me, but it broke my heart seeing him suffer afterward. We ended that fight without casualties, but we had to carry Spencer and Zak. Some backup came later to help us move them.

I stayed at the hospital with Hope waiting for news, Rose is keeping him company. We all wanted to stay there, but there were too many people, and they kick all of us out. Hope could have stayed if she wished to, but decided to come with me to keep me company.

When I went back to his room, I was glad to see that he was unharmed. He was discharged right away, and we went back home. I'm dead tired so I came to my room right away, I think Isabella is scolding Spencer right now.

I'll ask her about it tomorrow…

Looking at today's experience, I think that, despite the error that almost costed my life, in the end, hunting beast with all of them was nice. The times I had done this before it didn't go that well. When we left to hunt by ourselves, I knew that Dante was helping us, so I didn't feel real pressure, and the second time I didn't really get to fight.

This time I was with more people, we fought together with the same objective and protected and cared about each other. It was a pleasant change of pace.

I'm going to sleep now.

I'll write you tomorrow.

[September 06, 2050]

Thing are getting better :)

I never thought that my participation was going to be such a huge deal for some people but I' happy that I decided to give it a try.

After doing my job at the warehouse instead of being observed with apprehension the rest of the day I decided to see how things are in the hunting teams, I want to try to join, but I want to know how it is by myself before talking to Spencer.

It was weird at the beginning, as soon as I entered the house that worked as the Hunting Teams HQ I noticed that there were a lot more people that I thought it would, aren't they supposed to be … hunting?

As I looked around, I couldn't find any familiar face, and that made me feel awkward.

A young man approached me talking loudly to greet me asking me if I was Spencer's friend. I recognized him as one of the people that stayed with us at the end, he is called Gabriel … I think his power is similar to Hope's ability, I learned that he was part of Spencer's hunting group. He invited me to a table, and I accepted since it was weird to stay there standing and I wanted to ask him a little about the hunting teams.

I was still a little nervous, but he was a friendly guy and a lot of people that saw me yesterday came to praise me, being Spencer friend also seems to help and raise my footing in here. None of them seemed nervous as it was with the people in the warehouse, so the change in the way they treated me and looked at me was a nice, even if some of them weren't capable raising his gaze above my neck.

Gabriel explained to me that the bosses were in a meeting and they should arrive soon, because of the arrival of the goons and the people from Aurora Clinic they were going to have a to reorganize themselves. I told him that I wasn't an official member, but I was interested in joining. He explained to me how thing used to work, but that some of them were going to change, he put his money on less rotation in the patrol routes and permanent teams.

The team leaders joined Blake, Milo, and Leon when they arrived to have a meeting. I kept talking with Gabriel and learning about the beast that he has hunted and he also told me a couple of stories about times he hunted even remembering the time that we met, the fight with the alligator.

To be honest, I don't remember him from that time, but a lot was going on at the time.

A while after the meeting started, Spencer arrived and came to sit with Gabriel and me. He told me that there were no problems with me joining a team and seemed happy that I was doing this.

He took me to the new leaders and talked to them about me, they accepted without much thinking.

I was a little overwhelmed since they were technically my new bosses, so I gave them an excuse to leave and let them talk.

Later today I was surprised that Spencer was going to take me to the first mission of the special ops team.

I'm a little anxious because it is a pretty difficult mission….

[September 07, 2050]

Hi, mom.

After I looked at older entries, I felt weird that there were days that there had nothing on them.

I'm leaving early for the mission, I'll write you when I'm back tomorrow!

[September 08, 2050]

I'm back from the mission everything went fine.

This time Spencer wasn't hurt, on the bad side I smell like sewers, and might never be able to take it off from my hair…

I can't talk too much about the mission, but there was something that left me thinking…

During our little travel, we met a friend of Dante…

He is telling me to not lie and that the rat is not his friends… whatever.

We met a white lab rat called Pinky (Dante's weird friend), he was quite peculiar to say it less, I mean besides controlling thousands of rats and that fact that he thinks he is in some sort of fantasy world he has weird ideas about how heroes should act.

In a way, I think my self of Spence as a hero too, not the same type as Pinky thinks tho…

I wonder what Spencer thought of what he said… after all boys dream of being with more girls right?

No that I would be part of something like that… it would be weird? At least I know that I wouldn't be willing to share.

That's natural right? To have the person that you love, love only you back?

I mean I imagine how weird it would be for Rose to even think about something like this thankfully she wasn't there, things would be incredibly awkward if it was like that.

Pinky probably was just messing with us to see our reactions, telepaths are weird…

I should drop it.

I'm rambling because I'm sleepy. I think I'm going to sleep the whole afternoon.

[September 09, 2050]

There are so many things that I want to talk to you about, and I'm not sure where to begin.

First, ignore yesterday. I was talking nonsense because of the drowsiness

Last night when I woke up from the afternoon nap we meet with everyone to see the rewards from our mission. I'm not sure it was right for me to ask for something that might not help us in survive, but Spencer didn't need to think to give me a new power.

I was so excited that I went to use it right away, it was a little painful, but the peace of mind that it brought me was completely worth.

I went with Spencer to the warehouse in the morning, and I noticed the change in the people's behavior towards me. This calm inducement was the best gift that he could have given me…

It was just the beginning of a good day.

I thought that it was going to be weird when I saw Megan. It was Spencer once again the one that came to my rescue, he started to talk and gave me a little push to speak with the one that use to be one of my best friends.

After knowing what happened that day I don't blame her, but I was scared that she might still be afraid of me. I don't know if it was right, but I kept calming her while she was with me.

I explained to her what happened and that Spencer helped me that day. She told me that she was sorry for everything but joked that I was able to reunite with my boyfriend… that part was a little awkward, so I had to explain to her that he and I weren't together.

After that she had to go to her job, she was helping at the orphanage. I told her where I was living in the case that she wanted to hang out someday.

I didn't have the time to ask her about her family or any of our friends, but I think that I will see her again soon.

After that Spencer helped me join Zak's team and I went out to hunt.

Strolling around with someone you like, Talking to your friends, doing exercise, meeting people in your weird hunting job, quiet dinner…

I hope most days were like this.