I Can See The Crocodile!

Hannah also understood right away what I meant with that. I didn't have any reason to hide it, and sooner or later she will know that I was the one in charge of the commission. All she needed was to ask around, and she would find out.

It's better if she hears it from me, at least that way I have a chance to explain it to her. Also, it would be worse if she knew that I hid the truth from her.

Megan didn't know how to react. She was frozen on the spot looking at me without blinking.

Hannah on the other side stopped caressing Cai-Cai and went to her shocked friend.

I was about to open my mouth and try to explain when Rose called me out.


Rose leaving her trance and calling for me could mean just one thing. I turned around to look at her, she nodded confirming my thoughts.

"How many?"

"Just about a hundred, but I don't see the Alpha, and there are not many strong looking beasts, I think that the Alpha is just testing us."

A hundred beasts were not a big number, the problem with snakes is that they are smaller than the farm animals and more slippery. This wasn't the main attack, but if we don't prevent them from coming, it would be chaotic. Little snakes can easily pass by the places that are still under construction and get inside Green Shelter.

Luckily a had a plan, and If it doesn't work as it should, we can always escape a prepare a real defense.

"Dante… are you ready?"

'Sure~, I'm getting bored anyway~.'

I turned around one last time before leaving to look at Megan, I felt extremely guilty of leaving like this but what else can I do? I had to tell her and I didn't expect that the invasion would start so soon.

Hannah looked at with a questioning gaze as to what was happening. All I could do was tell her sorry before I left the place and started to inform the situation to Dr. Harting and Blake.


"Are you ok?"

Rose noticed Hannah's and Megan's mood after informing Spencer about the incoming beasts. Since she was scouting around the whole time, she didn't notice any of the things that happened and that included What happened to Megan's father.

Megan was pretty shaken by something, so Rose approached them. Hannah looked at Rose and recognized her, she was also in the school and was pretty close to Spencer. Hannah wasn't sure what to say about Megan, she knew that taking that kind of decisions wasn't easy for him, if Rose didn't know about what happened it might bring problem between them that Spencer didn't deserve despite to have. The best option was to be evasive with the answer.

"She… received bad news."

"I'm sorry to hear it… do you need anything?"

Even if Rose was curious about what Spencer told her, she wasn't going to pry on other people's business.

"Can you bring her some water?"

Rose complied to Hannah's request and went to take a bottle for Megan, Hannah tried to make Megan react, but she was still in a pretty dark spot and deep in her own world not wanting to talk about it.

'It must have been terrible news…'

Rose thought while seeing how shaken she was.

"She needs time to process it, we should go back to our spot, thanks for the water."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here?"

"No is better if we go to our place for now."

"Okay if you need anything don't doubt in coming, I might be busy but just talk with Isabella or Hayley's dad."

"Thank you, Let's go Megan."

Megan moved slowly back to their place with Hannah's help.

Rose looked at them wondering about what could have she heard that left her like that, she knew that it was something that Spencer did, she could feel his guilt and reluctance to leave… as if he needed to explain something to Megan.

Ideas started to appear in her head, maybe he was kidnapped by Jamie or the NDR and was one of the people that he killed? In any case, Rose trusted Spencer and knew that despite what could be, it was something that had to be done.

She drank some water and rested a little before getting to work again.

The view was the same as if she was in the sky she had an idea of the place where they should be waiting. Before looking at Spencer, she needed to take a look at the east to be sure that they are not taken by surprise.

After being sure that there was nothing else going on right now she moved to the west of the city looking for Spencer. It didn't take her a long time to see two silhouettes and a cat getting ready to fight, she noticed that after the first hundred beasts a second larger group was coming right after the first wave. They were slower, so most likely this was part of the same wave, but since they couldn't move as fast, the wave split into two groups.


The telepathic cat at my side had connected my mind with Dr. Harting and Blake to inform them about the situation.

'I want to try something, but we need some people in the west gate, in the case that some of the beasts slip by or my plan doesn't work.'

'Are you sure? we can send more people with you.'

'No if my plan fails it would be easier to escape if I'm alone.'

'Take care we will send some people to take keep watch and increase the scouts at the east too, without Dante the surveillance will suffer quite a bit.'

I was running through the city, I needed to intercept the wave before it was to close to the shelter, Rose said that they were sticking together, but that was most likely going to change when they arrive.

I saw the almost finished wall and passed by the west gate a little later.

I think some people tried to stop me talking about it being dangerous, but I didn't have to explain it to them, they will receive their instructions.

I run a couple of blocks, despite me wanting no to stay too close to the shelter I still need to know what was happening there, so we had to stop at Dante's limits.

He could already feel the beasts getting into range and moving in the direction we already predicted.

"Do you think this is going to work?"

'It should~… as long as there are not extremely strong beasts, there are not reasons for it to fail ~.'

"WOW!! You run fast !!! I have no idea what are you doing here men, so I can't tell you if it's going to work or not… but do your thingy… believe in yourself!"

A voice suddenly started to fire my side, intruding my conversation with Dante.

I jumped back to find a not so pleasant yet somewhat familiar face.

"Stan? The f**k are you doing here?"

"I was in the gate, I noticed that something weird was going on in the morning when I got to Mr. Ryan's lab and there was no one there, I had to walk around and ask to understand what was happening. Finally, I was informed that we are supposed to be helping and watch the gates. No one told me what my post was, so I came to the west gate that I used to be assigned to."

"Then… you saw me running and decided to follow me?... I thought that you told them that they need to stay there?"

I said the last part looking at Dante. As we went out to prevent people from trying to stop me or follow they receive an order of no coming with me.

'I~… didn't know that he was in there~.'

I'm starting to think that this guy's power is the strongest in the whole city.

"Something like that… I didn't notice that it was you. I just saw that someone was running away and I thought that he could be in danger if we let him leave like that. What are we doing out here by the way?"

"… I'm the only one that is doing something out here Stan, you just followed me."

"Oh come on!! We are both here already, tell me how I can help you."


"Stay here… if you see a beast slip by me and run to Green Shelter kill it."

"Now we are talking! Now while we wait, we can talk a little… how is Hayley doing? I saw her in the HQ yesterday, did she join a team? can you help me join the same one when my punishment is over?"

I think I never have been so happy to see a wave of beasts coming straight to me.

"Hey are those…"

"Snakes, lizards, I think there are a couple of toads and a crocodile."

"I was gonna say a bunch of beasts… you can really see the species from here??? Hey, I see the crocodile now!"

"Okay I need to focus… can you stay quiet for a second?"

"Sure, sure."

I took a deep breath before starting.