I’ll Do My Best Too

I could see everything that was happening, the snipers started to shut down their main threat, the flying creatures.

Blake knew the potential problem that the flying beasts were for their ranged fighters and sent 3 people to fend them off from the building. They already had a low number of snipers so losing even one of them was something that they couldn't do.

In the front lines, Gerhard was protecting one of the flanks, he was one of the strongest people they had by far, but his weapon wasn't for defensive purposes or good to hold back the beasts that try to penetrate the center of their formation.

I could see as the hammer fell on top of a weak looking pig, the scene turned gory and I didn't want to see that. Hayley was observing the battle at Blake's side. She wasn't acting yet, probably Blake wanted her to save her strength and be ready to act later when the stronger beasts arrive.

On the other side, Spence finished adding the fuel on the forest, this wasn't directly seen by me, but the images were sent directly into my mind by Dante, it fell as I was seeing two movies at the same time.

The battle was ongoing on the east gate, they resisted the attack without significant problems, most of the casualties were taken back with different injuries but none that left them in danger. If Spencer didn't act early in the morning as he did, we would have been taken by surprise, and this would have been a disaster. Thanks to the early preparation we did, they were coping with this beast invasion without having any deadly causalities yet.

The amount of beast was a lot higher than those at the west. I looked farther away to the limits of my clairvoyance.

Another thousand beasts were waiting there, I didn't have spencer's ability to know the ability to see their auras, but I was still capable of see some physical trait that gave them away. There were hybrids, semi-humans and giant beasts in between this group, those are the real strength of the eastern army, the Alpha isn't in sight unless it's smaller than the others or one of the ones I mentioned… but in my mind, the Alpha should be a three-story sized cow.

If the Alpha wasn't in this group, it meant that there is still more power in her army. And that cow already proved to be smart enough to plan ahead and change the plans accordingly to the situation.

Knowing that we were ready for the invasion, the cow was most likely going to adjust the plan and look for some kind of advantage or change the strategy.


As I expected the second group started to move, but they split into two groups. The first was going to reinforce the first wave. There were no giant beasts in that group, they lacked the space and mobility to do real harm to our group, and they would most likely harm their own team if they weren't careful Instead, the semi-humans were the ones leading the reinforcements. More flying beast also came to take down the long-range attackers.

The second group wasn't moving on the main street as we wanted. I had an idea about what they were planning. The giant beasts started to attack the blockades trying to open a second road and flank the main defense group. I jumped down from the roof and turned into my astral form to fly there to tell Blake about it as soon as possible.

On the other side, Spencer started his second try to achieve resonance with Dante achieving mixed results. It wasn't until now that I noticed that Stan was there too. He stood by Spencer's side defending him from the few beasts that dared to get near him.

I landed next to Hayley followed by my pets. I turned back to my material form.

My sudden appearance surprised her and Blake.

"Rose, don't scare me like that."

"Sorry, I had to come fast, there are high ranked beast trying to destroy the blockade in 7th."

Blake acted right away and send people to handle it. Around me, some people looked at me with curiosity… I know in their face what they were thinking, when did this girl arrive?

I couldn't handle the gazes anymore and decided to leave. I kept watching the situation in both places. A unit was dispatched to harass and see the situation of the group that was trying to destroy the blockade,

I left the east gate and went back to the refuge. Isabella left to help in the hospital, and Cai-Cai was playing with Dana while Hayley's Dad looked after her.

"Lucy go play with Dana and Cai-Cai."

Lucy tilted her head, this was the first time that she was away from me, but she has seen Dana all this time playing with Dante, so she was familiar with her. Dana was happy to see the little bunny and started to pet her head to calm her down. I smiled and looked at them for a while before going back to the roof.

The next part was dangerous, and I can't take her with me. At my side Paws was stretching and rubbing himself against me.

"You are nervous too right?"

The little panther purred peacefully as I touched his head and talked to him.

The Alpha arrived at the place where Spencer was. When I saw Stan running away, I got mad until Dante explained to me that Spencer sent him to set the forest on fire.

Spencer was single-handedly fighting with the D-Rank beasts, he was in a dire situation…

'Shouldn't I go to help him?'

'Not yet.'

It pained me seeing his fight, dodging each attack with millimetric precision, as he countered continually.

In the east, there were no signals of new movements, with the intelligence from the Alpha cow I knew that another attack from another side was possible, but I saw the sea of rats stomp a little unit leaded by a two-story sized bull. At least we don't have to worry about the attack from another side with them covering us.

The harassing that was coming from the squad led by Milo managed to slow down the advancement of the unit that wanted to flank us too.

I saw the smoke rise from the west, in the main battlefield other people also noticed that something was going on in the forest, I could see the worry in the faces of the people that knew about Spencer's mission.

They didn't have the time to worry, the semi-humans have arrived at the frontlines, and not everyone was able to go against them. The first death followed soon after their arrival. Mark managed to defend himself from one of the semi-humans but the second shielder fell soon after.

The morale that until now was high but the sudden loss of two of their comrades hit them hard.

Blake stepped forward almost instantly. Hayley pointed with her hand her first objective and acted together with Blake.

Gerhard moved from his post to face a different D-Rank beast with Watson's help. The snipers focused their fire using their armor penetrating bullets.

They should be all right.

Spencer on the other side was facing the worst problems.

He was already running away towards the fire. Each step each dodge and each wound made me think of appearing there to help him right away, but I knew that I only had one chance, and if I lose that chance it would be most likely the end for both of us…

Six semi-humans were soon taken on fights by our elites, the first one to fall was the one that fought with Blake and Hayley. After that Blake jumped towards the next one, the situation was out of control, the appearance of the D-Ranks from the east invasion forced our elites to focus them, this gave space to weaker beasts to bypass our defense. Hayley concentrated on the beasts that have broken through the frontline.

Spencer was spitting a black liquid, was that ashes from the fire?

He was already surrounded, and the Alpha already caught up to him. One of the beasts spat more fire towards him sealing his path.

He barely avoided the Alpha's attack, that followed the firing of the toad.

I saw it on his face… he was talking with Dante about something. He wanted to try something stupid and dangerous. I couldn't wait any longer. I promised him to do my best too.


Before his signal came, I was already midway in moving to Spencer.

I used Astral Portal and appeared in front of him facing the Swamp overlord's attack.