
I ran as fast as I could.

Blake face changed with my words.

"The school's gym."

That was all I told before leaving, I had no idea who came behind me, I used Accelerate and increased the distance between the people behind and me.

I arrived alone at the gym, I saw the attack from the beast targeting Dana and Cai-Cai. The horn was blocked by Cecily who used her own body to save them, and I don't think she will be able to survive the attack of the goat that comes after the horn.

No one was in a position to help her.

'Please work.'

I trust my aim, but you never know, 40 meters is a long distance so to hit the goat I will need some luck on my side.

I got ready, my abilities will help the spear to fly in a straight line instead of drawing an arc, as long as I hit the goat anywhere I should be able to deflect the first attack and go help.

Accelerate, Adrenaline burst, Great Impact. I used everything I could think of to throw the spear with all my strength. The spear whistled in the air when it left my hand drawing a straight line until it hit the goat in the body, the sheer force of the spear was enough to push it against the wall, pierce it and leaving it impaled to the wall with no place to go.

That went a lot better than I expected...

It was until now that I was able to inspect the scene, two beasts were pierced by ice needles that went through the roof, a pig-man was turned into an ice statue, and … is that Alfred? He seems to be fighting against a pig, and a guy with giant horns was looking in my direction.

I jumped towards the horned-man, while G went to help Alfred… I didn't have any more weapons with me, I noticed that his bones were too hard to break with my bare hands and had to focus on doing and wait for Hayley.

Hayley knew that I could control the horned man and being honest I don't know who looks the worst if G or Alfred…

When Hayley joined them they finished that pig fast, and by that time, the reinforcements arrive, and the horned-man fell under that relentless attacks of Zak's Spear and some other hunters.

The goat that was impaled on the wall was struggling to get down, but it stopped after a while…

[Congratulations for Killing an E-Rank Beast, 15 system points rewarded]

The battle was over, but the aftermath was in front of us.

I moved towards Cecily and started healing her shoulder right away. From what I could see Dana was fine but seems to be tired.

"Cai-Cai go cuddle with Dana and rest… you did great."

I added the last part when I noticed that she was bandaged… she must have fought too.

As I healed Cecily, the rest started to help around too.

"Look for survivors and help them if you know how, send a couple of people outside to keep watch, Hayley do something about the leak on the roof, Hope go to the hospital and tell them that we need support here, stay with Rose and tell Dante that Dana is fine after that. Zak, go back to the HQ and tell them that we found the attackers but to increase the surveillance in the other refuges… G, you look like sh*t go rest."

People started to move according to my orders, G didn't like it too much, but he knew that he wasn't in his best moment, he had to fight in the night with what was left of his energy after fighting a part of the day, it was a miracle that he woke up at all.

Cecily was crying as I healed her wound and hugged me as soon as I finished…

"Thank you" *sob

It felt awkward, but I let her cry on my shoulder for a while until she decided it was enough.

"Sorry *sniff… is just that… I had a nightmare before this happened… and I really thought that we were going to die…"

I was really curious about that nightmare, but that will have to wait.

"You are safe now… We can talk about that nightmare later if you want. For now, you need to rest."

She nodded and took a quick glance around the place before going to lay down.

The rest of the refugees were split, some started to help, others cried the loss of their loved ones or came to me talking about the sh*tty protection that they had, and the rest just went back to sleep hoping it was a nightmare. I ignored the ones that thought that complaining was important right now.

The other guys that came as reinforcement were checking on the dozen half-eaten bodies scattered around the gym looking for survivors.

Isabella, the Dr that I saw earlier, and half-dozen of medical staff appeared at the gym soon after. Isabella didn't care about the wounded and ran towards Dana to check if she was okay, I had to stop her from wake her up and explain to her that Dana used her power twice and got tired…

After knowing that Dana was fine, Isabella was able to calm down a little, but she didn't join the medical staff and instead stayed with her daughter.

From the bodies that were found only four people were still alive, I went to the one in the worst condition and used my ability to heal him, I didn't do it until he was fully recovered but only until his life wasn't in danger.

Besides those four, some people got hurt by the flying horns from time to time or suffered panic attacks and needed some medical assistance too. I discovered that the horns that the beast threw had disappeared soon after hitting their target.

As I checked my surroundings, I heard a familiar voice at my side

"Do you need someone to bandage you again?"

Hannah was looking at my arm, the bandage was a mess because of the fight and the running, but I felt like it wasn't necessary anymore.

"No thank you, I was going to take it off anyway."

"Already? but you didn't have it in the morning, the wound should be from the battle in the east gate right?"

"I wasn't in that battle, and the wound is already healed see?"

I took it off showing a large already healed burnt scar covering part of my arm, it was indeed already healed.

"Oh my god! what happened to you?"

Hannah saw me this morning, and she knew that my arm wasn't in this condition at that time.

"A little strategic miscalculation… don't worry I'm fine already. Go help Megan, she has a little cut and is trying to hide it."

Hannah turned around and noticed that Megan was looking towards us.

I took my chance to slip by and go to the next wounded, I couldn't deal with Megan's situation yet, and I don't want Hannah to have problems with her because she is talking to me.

Most of the situation was already under control, a layer of ice was covering the hole in the roof as a temporary measure. The corpses were covered with blankets, and the survivors were taken care of by the medical staff.

Zak came back with some news.

"Apparently this wasn't the only place that was attacked. There was a second group, but they were weaker."

"How many losses?"

"We lost two hunters in the fight, one died, and the other is severely wounded, but besides them, there were no civilian casualties, Milo's group hunted it down, so they catch up before they arrive at their objective.

"At least those are good news…"

"Yeah… Right now, they have at least a team looking at each of the refuges since the law enforcers aren't enough to handle the beasts."

"Good you stay here with Hayley in case that something happens…"

"Where do you think you are going?"

Hayley was looking at me and questioned me as she heard the last part of our conversations

"I was planning to go back to report to the HQ and see if there is something else…"

"Zak can go and stay there, you are staying here to rest… you are still recovering from your wounds."


"No buts! Go to our corner and lay down until tomorrow!"

It's been a while since the last time I saw bossy Hayley…