Janice’s Mystery

A familiar image appeared in front of me.

This is the third time that I see the same scene.

The first time it helped me understand the power that the girl called Janice Hamilton had and how the remaining NDR members escaped.

The second time I used a new ability…

With visualization and my newfound knowledge, I was able to see the path to complete the mission that the System gave me when I found this stone.

[Mission: Study the Space Pearl

Type: Normal

Reward: ????

Time Limit: -----]

Unfortunately, the situation on the east changed, and I was interrupted before I could find out more about them, but I somehow knew that the key to understanding it was near me.

The spherical stone that was in my hand recovered the brightness from before it was used and the aura was not just the remaining of what it used to be.

The grey pearl in Janice Hamilton hand was as bright as her grey eyes. As if it was a part of herself.

The seventh pearl that she made was no different from the others.

Unlike with psychometry, I wasn't dragged into the object memory. Instead, I was looking all of this as if it was projected around me in the roof.

The scene froze with Janice looking at the pearl.

The previous visit I couldn't take my time to look around but this time I needed to understand more, not only about her power and the stone but about her.

The girl in front of me should be about fifteen years old… a lot of difference with her elder brother. Now that I think about she must have been born after the time of Hamilton's father fake death.

So where did she came from?

Her room was decorated with dark colors, and the windows were always tinted in black in a way that was impossible to look outside.

The visualization allowed me to understand a little about her room.

All kind of symbol floated around as I observed the place… I tried to figure out the laws fixed in the pearl. There were a lot of familiarities, but the core of them was something else, something that at the same time I felt was in front of my eyes, yet I couldn't understand.

This thought gave me an idea, and I shifted my gaze to the symbols I that couldn't understand.

My mind was blank.

None of it made any sense, but at the same time, I felt that the key was on these unknown symbols.

Some of them were also part of Janice so they might represent her soul, but without more knowledge, it was almost impossible to be sure about it. How do you know what part of herself she leaves in her creations?

The scene went forward again.

The girl was this time in front of the guy that was supposed to be dead.

He is too old… Maybe he hid her, and she is actually John Hamilton's daughter…

The more I saw these scenes, the weirder it felt. No idea if he was married at the time, but a scandal might have affected his career. Now that I think of it, none of the news I read or saw had anything about John Hamilton having a younger sister.

This time I could see the old man disinterest in his "daughter". She was just a tool, but she was happy to be able to play her role.

The first images I had of her was those of a typical rebel teenager, but now I can see that she just wanted to be useful.

Why the change?

I had the answer when I saw the way she acted and recalled some psychology stuff that I had to read.

Attention seeking.

'Dante, can you see if Hope has seen anything about Janice Hamilton?'

'Give me a second.'

If my theory is correct, I might be able to understand a little more about this girl. I have no idea if it will be useful or not, but the creation of those pearls is not her power, it's more a plus for her control over long-range teleport. If I'm not wrong, there is something else related to the creation of these pearls.

Dante's answer came shortly after.

'No, she never read anything about Janice existence until you mentioned her.'

I felt as if I was onto something here.

No one knew about Janice existence the same as most people didn't realize that James Hamilton was still alive.

If I recall correctly the time he died was about the time she should have been born, so maybe it was related, was it related?

'Can you ask her about James Hamilton's death?'

'She is on it, there were some newspapers that still got printed at the time, so she is looking at everything in the case that she missed something the first time.'

Right now my theory is as follows

Janice is actually John Hamilton's Daughter, they hid it because a scandal of that kind at the beginning of his career would have made it impossible for him to go further.

On the other hand, John Hamilton was at his peak it was unlikely for him to go higher, but his death would bring his political party, the New Democratic Revolution, to the main page of every news report at the time.

I was too young at the time, so I can't remember that, but since I have memories the NDR is one of the most important political parties right now, and it's likely for Hamilton to go higher than his father ever was.

If this was what they wanted, James fake death worked as intended.

About Janice's mother… maybe James "accident" had something to do with it.

There are a lot of mysteries surrounding it the more I dig, but I think that her story it's essential. My gut tells me that Janice life has something to do with the pearl.

If they indeed hide her and all this rumbling isn't just me trying to explain why a seemingly nice girl turned out to be one of the secrets weapons of the NDR, there was one point that made sense.

She feels lonely.

It's difficult to know how she has lived her life until now, but if they hid her as I think they did, her contact with other people would be a lot more limited.

The rebel teenager and her effort to help James Hamilton. All this, so they notice her… probably a lonely girl trying to get their attention and stop being alone…

The scene changed again…

There weren't any other important clues in the rest of the vision. The pearl was the same, and overall, I couldn't see her interact that much with her family.

In the last moments of the visualization, I focused on the ability of the pearl.

I could say that there were two effects on it.

The first and most obvious is that it worked as a signal.

Those soul-related symbols are most likely some kind of connection between Janice and the pearls. The moment it breaks, she knows.

The second effect is the core of the pearl.

The moment the pearl broke the "energy inside leaves the pearl leaving behind a simple stone devoid of its previous brightness. This energy fills the place.

Janice power is to teleport herself. But as this energy fill the surroundings, they are treated as a part of her.

Was her loneliness and desire to be with more people what created the pearl?

If it was for a reason like this, there was a possibility that someone else has done something like this before.

'Dante, have you ever seen something else similar to this pearl…?'

I had no one else to go to. If someone knows about another pearl or stone created in a similar way, it has to be Dante. The thought crossed my mind before a couple of times if Janice was able to make these pearls, there might be others that can do it too.

'I'm not sure if it's the same as what you are looking for, but a crystal also had some properties of the creator's power, but the situation was kind of complex… so I don't think that even Hayley noticed when she created them.'