
Shao Ling smiled at the three members of the Shao residence who had come to see him off. He had politely declined a formal send-off by the Shao household in favor of a little gathering at the gates of Shao Manor as he prepared to depart on the elegant ox-drawn carriage to Liu Provincial City.

"Remember to carry yourself with dignity and compassion. Every action of yours represents the Shao Clan, so make sure that you act accordingly," Shao Wei said as he stroked his narrow beard.

"I will, father."

Father and son contrasted sharply, with the dark-haired Shao Wei in black scholar robes and the pale and white-haired Shao Ling in white scholar robes. Shao Ling's long hair fell down to his shoulders while a portion of it was raised into a bun held in place by a crimson ribbon that matched his eyes. The plain sabre sheathed at his hip clashed with his scholarly demeanor, but Shao Ling was determined to honor his teacher and his martial path- despite moving on to a new phase of his life.

Six months had passed since the night the sky glowed red, the night the course of Shao Ling's life was dashed upon the jagged rocks of fate. The lingering effects of that night were strange dreams of bloody battlefields and fantastical landscapes, and a total inability to absorb Heaven and Earth Qi.


Shao Ling walked back to the Shao residence after the incident while the unconscious Yao Hu was carried back by startled palanquin-bearers. Seeing the Ghostly Young Master caused considerable fright to the villagers stirring early in the morning to tend to the fields who considered him to be some sort of evil spirit.

His mother and father had been waiting for him at the gates with painfully hopeful gazes, and they grinned with pure joy when they saw Shao Ling walking in the sun without signs of discomfort. In that moment, Shao Ling decided to tell them that he had successfully broken through to the Qi Gathering stage and extended his lifespan, while leaving out the encounter with the zombie-like senior and the Pure Yin Lady.

Shao Ling's birthday celebration was held in the courtyard amidst bright red banners and paper lanterns. It was filled with cheer and a dash of resentment from concubine Xin Rong's clique as Shao Ling announced his successful breakthrough into the Qi Gathering stage with the aid of a Hazard Bone and Master Yao Hu's guidance. He remembered to give Shao Yun an extra portion of Hazard Boar meat, which ended up coming from his own portion, and the grin on her face was as wide as the moon. Although his martial path had been halted by the mutilation of his meridians, Shao Ling felt grateful to be alive again. He watched Shao Wei chuckle nervously with a persistent smile on his face as he sat between a smug-looking Shao Xiaoyan and an aloof-looking Xin Rong. Shao Yun dug into the Hazard Boar meat with a childish joy.

Shao Ling noticed Yao Hu's eyes boring into his own. His scarred face lacked its usual fierceness, but looked solemn nonetheless, and Shao Ling knew the question in his eyes. Shao Ling shook his head softly with a look of melancholy on his face, and Yao Hu nodded once.

Yao Hu left without a word the night of Shao Ling's birthday celebration. Shao Wei stumbled around the manor grounds for the better part of a day looking like his soul had been sucked out of him and worrying that he had offended the expert in some way until Shao Ling informed him had he had discussed the matter with Yao Hu beforehand. The question in Yao Hu's eyes was "will you continue on your martial path?" and Shao Ling had shook his head to say "no." Since a brief and ambiguous discussion like that probably would've given Shao Wei an ulcer, so Shao Ling told his father that he had decided to pursue the scholar's path now that he had increased his lifespan enough to live to a normal age, and that he had talked about it with Yao Hu before the party.

Shao Wei was overjoyed- the Shao Clan was a family of landowners and scholar-officials after all- but both he and Shao Ling regretted that they couldn't formally thank Yao Hu for his immense aid in helping Shao Ling along his martial path through the years.

The experience of breaking through to the Qi Gathering stage and being thrown off his martial path in a single night rekindled an appreciation for his family in this life. After being diagnosed with a terminal illness which robbed him of the chance to reach the peak of martial arts in his previous life, Shao Ling had been consumed with hatred for everyone and everything in the world as his condition deterorated, and he never stopped to appreciate the support that his family and friends gave him while simultaneously suffering a great financial and emotional cost. Shao Ling resolved not to repeat his past mistakes, and focused on cultivating his scholastic knowledge in order fulfill the duties of the heir to the Shao Clan and repay his parents, Shao Yun, and Master Yao Hu for the love and support they had shown him through the years.

On this day, Shao Ling was beginning the journey to Liu Provincial City, where he would attend Dongxi Academy to study law and the classics in preparation for the civil service exam; since Shao Ling would eventually replace his father as a landlord, passing the civil service exam wasn't strictly necessary for him, but it was the made between a country boor and a refined scholar in this world, and Shao Ling's competitive personality refused to settle for an inferior status. If I'm going to become a gentleman, I had better become the best one, was his line of thinking. He had attended university in his previous life, and he was curious to see how the schools in this world compared.

"I know that breaking through to the Qi Gathering stage fixed your Extreme Yin Meridians, but if you feel unwell please go to the Jade Crane Medicinal Pavilion. Ask for Hao Ming; he's an old friend of mine."

A mixture of pride and worry swirled in Shao Xiaoyan's eyes. Her elegant hands were folded into the long sleeves of her forest-green dress. Her usual reserved but fair face was softened with emotion by her son's departure.

"Thank you, I will."

The Jade Crane Medicinal Pavilion was the foremost medical institution in Liu Province, and they also had a very successful pill trading company. It was said that merely entering the premises of the pavilion was enough to cure a persistent cough. Shao Ling was surprised that his mother had a friend in the pavilion. Perhaps he is an alchemist from her birth clan?

"If anyone in the city bullies you, cut them don with your sabre!" Shao Yun exclaimed with an sly look on her adorable face.

"Niece Yun, a young lady mustn't make such vulgar suggestions," Shao Xioyan admonished sternly while Shao Ling and Shao Wei stifled amused smiles.

The young girl screwed up her face like she was being told to eat an anvil, and Shao Ling had to quickly pass a chuckle off as a cough when Shao Xiaoyan turned to him with a hawklike gaze.

"Don't worry Cousin Yun, I won't let any rude young masters get to me. And I never stopped practicing Yao Hu's techiques," he added with a wink as he tapped he hilt of his sabre, prompting a giggle from Shao Yun and a frown of vexation from Shao Xiaoyan, which quickly faded.

Indeed, even though his cultivation had been wasted and he was unable to absorb Heaven and Earth Qi, Shao Ling continued practicing the Demon Tiger Sabre technique each day in addition to his academic studies in order to honor his master, and out of stubbornness to cling to his martial path. Martial artists in his previous life were unable to harness the amazing powers of Heaven and Earth Qi, yet were still capable of performing some amazing feats, so Shao Ling reasoned that any progress down his martial path would offer rewards. In the deepest depths of his heart, Shao Ling may have also chosen to continue practicing in case his meridians should ever be restored.

A blade will break if its not tempered, he thought.

"Be safe, my son, and good luck with your studies."

Shao Wei spoke in a stoic manner as he looked into his son's eyes and felt an immesurable fountain of pride bubbling up in his chest.

"I will, thank you."

Shao Ling suddenly descended to the ground onto his knees, and touched his head to the ground in a kowtow to his parents. The gesture was a demonstration of his utmost respect from them, and was a virtuous act in this world. He then rose to his feet and embraced his mother first, and then his father, and finally Shao Yun, to their surprise.

"I love you all. Thank you for everything."

Tears came flowing down Shao Xiaoyan's cheeks without her realizing, and Shao Wei's eyes became twin marshes. Shao Yun wept as she clutched onto Shao Ling with her small arms, as if the sadness she had been holding back was released by the abrupt gesture. Shao Ling knew that his actions crossed the line of propriety, but he had came from a world with more relaxed demonstrations of affection, and he didn't want to have any regrets as he set out from Shao Manor.

"We'll see each other again before you know it," he said gently to the weeping Shao Yun as he waited for her to release him on her own.

Shao Ling smiled and waved out the wood-latticed rear window of the boxlike carriage with a ridged roof as the driver cracked his whip to send the pair of oxen harnessed to the wagon into motion. Shao Yun vigorously returned Shao Ling's wave, and Shao Xiaoyan gave a delicate wave back as Shao Wei wiped something wet from his eyes.

The oxen pulled the small carriage, which was accompanied by a pair of armed horsemen, down the road leading away from the Shao residence, towards Liu Provincial City.