Chapter 2 : the Night of the Massacre(2)

Today in the capital of the Tiang Kingdom in the Palaran continent, there is a very quiet feeling that one can sense the changes in the atmosphere of the capital.

"Grandpa, grandpa !" a boy is running towards his grandfather who seems to be looking for someone nervously everywhere outside a crude looking door

"Grandson, its dangerous outside ! Come here quickly ! " said the grandpa while rushing to his grandson before running towards their house.

"There is a storm brewing in the capital tonight so the outside is very dangerous to the likes of us" he added while closing and locking the door.


Inside the palace, the royal guards and servants are in high alert. There are a lot of children and women who used to work at the palace being brought away by a few soldiers in a caravan.

Inside the throne room,

"Your majesty, the mortal women and children are being brought away far from the palace" said by an old looking man who is kneeling in front of the handsome man and the beautiful woman that we have seen earlier in the wooden house.

"Old Wang, why are you still not evacuating this palace of mine?" said the handsome man to the eunuch

"Your majesty, this lowly one's life is a gift by your father, the great emperor, I will forever be loyal to the throne" said the old eunuch.

The old man's complete name is Wang Zhifei, he is an old eunuch and is called Old Wang by most of the persons in the palace. Before he become a eunuch he is just a normal young boy who is saved by the great emperor during his way against the demon king who ascended from hell.


"My father told me during his last breath, that there would be a time that the two of us will fight and I'll end up losing not only my life but also my entire kin." he added while looking straight to the eyes of the old eunuch.

"Your majesty, you should have killed your traitorous brother back then when you've ascended the throne." the eunuch said

Tiang Son just mysteriously smiled to what the eunuch said before standing up and left the throne room.

The eunuch just looked at the back of the emperor and quietly murmured "Sigh~ your majesty, in this cruel world if you become merciful you would die early." then he left the room.


Outside the city in the forest , there is a man standing clad in black robes and a black sword with a sinister aura behind his back.

"Brother, I've returned" he said while sinisterly smiling , he then looked behind and said

"What is their answer?" he said then 3 men in black outfit with a powerful aura appeared out of nowhere and said "My lord, 7 of the family generals agreed while 2 of them remains neutral as for the Meng Clan they disagreed".

"Good." the man in black said to 3 men.

"It seems that there would be more blood gushing out in the capital tonight, hahaha" he added while laughing dangerously in the forest.

Then the four of them left and the sinister aura in that place vanished replaced by a quiet atmosphere.