Chapter 4 : the Night of the Massacre(4)

Inside the palace ,

"Your majesty , the war has already started." old wang said to Tiang Son softly.

"I know..." he said while walking outside the palace calmly like a person who already accepted his fate.

Old Wang looked at the back of the emperor and silently said "He can be the second great emperor, he has a calm temperament that is the same of his father. Sigh~... sadly, he can't control what's happening now.


General Meng is currently fighting against the generals of the Li, Bai, Zhou, and Chen clan simultaneously. "HAHAHAHA, General Meng even though you are the strongest among all of us Generals , if you think you can fight against the 4 of us, you are overestimating yourself ! " the person in fiery red armor said while unleashing immortal ranked martial arts simultaneously to him.

"General Chen , aren't you ashamed that you still need to have 3 more helpers to fight against this sword? You really have no shame you damn ugly old sh*t!" he said while blocking the attacks of him.

"General Meng would be a great general, he has the greatest fighting capabilities among them and has the highest talent and cultivation." Tiang Ah said while watching the fight between the 5 generals. "Sadly , he wont live to become a great general" he added while smiling sinisterly then he used voice transmission to General Chen and said "General Chen use the thing I gave you"

"Old Chen, go and use your strongest move. We need to finish Old Meng before Emperor Tiang comes" an Old Man in white armor said to General Chen while attacking an immortal sword art to General Meng.

"Old Bai, the 3 of you hold him first , Im going to cast it" he said while backing away at the fight

"DOG CHEN ! Do you think I would let you!" General Meng said while bitterly retaliating against the continuous attacks of the 3 generals.

A fiery phoenix symbol above Old Chen becomes visible while he silently chant very fast .

"Oh divine beast please grant me your power to annihilate everything in this world, NIRVANA!" Old Chen said while holding a depleted red stone then a surging power that comes from the phoenix symbol burst out of it.

"SH*T!, YOU OLD DOGS SCRAM !" General Meng said while a humongous Elephant beast slightly becomes visible above him. "*%&* , ***&^*, I have no time to cast , how the f*ck that Chen Dog becomes fast at chanting 7th ranked immortal spells with just a few damn words?!" he added while raining curses and looking helplessly to the attack of General Chen.

The power of the flame that General Chen unleashed is ultimately powerful that it penetrates the protective barriers of most of the establishments in the palace just by its temperature. General Meng already lost all hopes of retaliating against the powerful spell of General Chen and is just standing in front of it, back straight, and clearly in his eyes a feeling of disappointment and unacceptance that he don't even have a time to cast a spell that would block the powerful spell of General Chen !

"Sigh~ why should we fight, brother?"

A powerful sword strike appeared in the sky that destroys completely the attack of General Chen.

"You've finally shown yourself, brother " Tiang Ah said while looking at the place where the sword strike comes.