Chapter 9 : Montefaro Town

Inside a small town in the Palaran Continent, different shops can be seen in every streets and many busy people who are buying and selling goods are there. The town's name was Montefaro Town which is governed by a Baron from the nearby city. A young boy and an old man is currently walking along the shops. The two of them are Tiang Bai and the old man who take cares of him. They bought lots of clothes and shoes in the area that Tiang Bai likes. As they are strolling around, an iron sword with characters on the blade is being displayed inside a luxurious-looking weapon shop. The old man seems to notice the look of Tiang Bai clearly eyeing on the sword.

"Bai-er , do you like the sword that is being displayed in that weapon store?" he said to the young boy who still didn't remove his stare into the sword until he noticed that his grandfather is looking at him. "Really grandpa?!" Tiang Bai said to the old man besides him excitedly while running to the front door of the store impatiently.

Inside the store different weapons in different qualities are currently displayed in the walls and in the sword shack. As the current outfit of Tiang Bai is only a plain but clean white robe, not a single salesperson approach him. "Excuse me sales lady, I want to buy the sword that is displayed in the windows." Tiang Bai said to the woman who is talking to a young man donned in noble outfit that clearly distinguish his status in the town. The woman only looked at Tiang Bai before saying in annoyance, "Brat, this is not the place where you can fool around." then she looked back to the young man she was talking too , "I am sorry for the inconvenience young master Chang" she said.

"Miss Yun , you need to create some boundary between the commoners and us, nobles. The sight of them irritates this noble eyes of mine." He said in disdain while looking at Tiang Bai. The complete name of him is Chang Gao, he is also the son of the baron, the person with the highest authority in the Montefaro Town.

The woman then looked again to Tiang Bai and said "Brat, leave this place now, our pavilion doesn't welcome you." Before signaling the guards to fetch this brat away. "Miss , but I want that sword, I have the amount of gold coins needed to buy it" Tiang Bai said while panicking to the woman. "HAHAHAHA, a commoner like you has the money to buy a magic sword?" Chang Gao said to Tiang Bai while laughing at loud.

"Brat, even if you sell yourself and your outfit, you can't buy that sword. GUARDS ! kick this child out of this place!" the woman said angrily to the Tiang Bai while telling the guards to do it quickly. The guards of the pavilion are also cultivators, their cultivations are at the peak of 4th stage of Qi Refinement realm. The cultivators who are at the 4th stage of Qi Refinement realm can punch a force of 400 kg.

As one of the guards were about to grab the clothes of Tiang Bai, he was stunned to grab only the air and before he knew it he was already being thrown into the floor by the young boy who he clearly thought he can easily grab. The people inside the shop were stunned to see the young boy throwing a 4th stage qi refinement realm cultivator into the ground without difficulty.

"How dare you create trouble in our pavilion!" the woman called a guard who are at the 7th stage of the qi refinement realm to stop Tiang Bai. The guard has already unleashed his aura to pressure Tiang Bai when he heard a voice comming from the 2nd floor.

"Stop!" a middle-aged man walks down the stairs while smiling to the young man who threw one of their guards into the ground easily.