Chapter 12 : Ambush

Inside a room in the mansion inside the Montefaro Town, a young man dressed in noble outfit is currently sitting on a chair while a guard is currently reporting something important to him.

"Young Master, the white young man earlier seems to live in the forest, he is seen with an old man who looked ordinary leaving the town." the guard said respectfully to the young man who is fanning himself with a fan.

"Are you sure it's only an ordinary Old Man ?" He asked the guard who immediately answered "Yes young master, the old man is only ordinary when we tried to sense his aura we didn't feel anything but the young man's aura should be at the 9th Qi Refinement realm from the power that he emitting." the young man immediately smiled excitedly and told the guard

"Good, that boy has an immense amount of wealth , furthermore he had a spatial ring that only my father have in this town, hehehehe, since he dare to bring me a very good gift why should I not get it?" he then looked to the middle-aged man beside him and laughed "Uncle Zhou, lets go and prepare to ambush them, if I'm not mistaken, just the amount of golds inside of it is something that even my father would drool on. In this town, there is nothing that I, Chang Tan cant claim. HAHAHAHAHA" the 2 of them immediately call 5 more helpers who are at the 9th qi refinement realm before rushing to where Tiang Bai is.


While inside the forest , Tiang Bai and the old man is walking calmly towards their home. Even though Tiang Bai didn't notice about the danger that will happen later, the old man that he is with already noticed it the moment those people rushed to them.

"Seems like there are some people who has the habit of claiming things that are not theirs." the old man thought to himself.

"Bai-er , later I'll show you how to punish people who are wicked to the extreme." he said to the young man who stopped from walking and looked at him with confusion. The 2 people are Tiang Bai and his foster grandpa who are going home towards their house in the middle of the forest.

"What do you mean , grandpa?" Tiang Bai said still confused about what the old man said to him.

"Later , you'll see the brutality of this world, this would also be considered as a training for your dao heart." he said to Tiang Bai while smiling.

After a few hours, 6 silhouette suddenly appeared in front of the 2 of them. One of the silhouette is also the old man beside the person called young master chang who is called Uncle Zhou while he was buying the magic sword earlier.

"Why are you guys blocking our way?!" Tiang Bai shouted angrily to the people who blocked them. "Of course, what other reason should we have in order to block your way?" a young voice behind the 6 people appeared and the Young Master Chang earlier is visible behind them.

"Give me the spatial ring that you are wearing and maybe I'll leave the two of you an intact corpse." he added while staring at the ring that is being worn by Tiang Bai.

"You-" Tiang Bai was about to say something when he heard his grandfather's word.

"Bai-er, this is the brutality that I said earlier that I'm going to show you. Watch carefully how I deal this kinds of people that you'll meet sooner or later so that you'll learn more about the cruelty of this world." then the old man beside him vanished and appeared instantly in front of the Uncle Zhou.

It's too late for Uncle Zhou to react that they shouldn't have provoked someone that they can't even afford to provoke.