Chapter 17 : the Yang Sword Awakens(2)

The time stops within the radius of 200 meters from the place where Tiang Bai is currently lying.

The people, trees, plants, and animals stopped as if they are statues displayed naturally. The blinding light flashes until the entire place cannot be seen and only the white negative-space, the pendant, and him can be seen.

"Who- who are you?" Tiang Bai said in shocked while lying and tilting his head, left and right. He still cant move from the fight earlier that's why he is still lying and cant get up.

"Tell me child , do you think that wishing for the safety of your loved ones would guarantee that they would live peacefully?" the voice appeared again inside the mind of Tiang Bai.

"This-" Tiang Bai become speechless at the question of the mysterious voice. He knows that in this world, wishing without moving are just empty words.

Without sufficient strength, living peacefully without problems is impossible. Even the poor mortals have a lot of problems that they are currently facing. Sometimes they will be just killed by people who can cultivate. The little children will be used as slaves, the women will be used as playthings, the men will be used as forced laborers. There's no such thing as living peaceful unless you have the power to do it.

Tiang Bai just now realized how empty the wish he made.

"Right, I am too weak. I don't even have the power to protect myself" he said to himself

"I want to be strong to protect them, I want to know what happened to my parents back then" he added then the light inside the jade illuminates more brightly as if it wants to cover the entire world.

"I WISH I COULD BE STRONGER AND PROTECT MY LOVED ONES!" Tiang Bai shouted with all his might determined to be stronger to protect who are worth fighting for then he collapsed.

"Good! then I shall lend you my powers, child" the mysterious voice amiably said and a surging power that comes from the pendant burst out and covers the entire body of Tiang Bai.


Inside a nearby city, an old man is seen buying dumplings at a small stall in the side of the streets.

"Please give me a box of dumplings, madam" an old man said to the woman who is creating dumplings in the stall.

"Okay Sir" the woman said then turned around to get a prepared box of dumplings.

"Hmm?" the old man looked at the sky which is constantly dimming looking like a storm is approaching.

"Sir, this is the- huh?!" the woman said in surprise while looking around because after she turned back, the old man who is buying the box of dumplings earlier is missing.

It is not even 5 seconds since she turned around and the old man is nowhere to be seen.

"Immortal!" she exclaimed when the thought about powerful cultivators flashed in her mind.

Even though she is only a mortal she clearly knew that not even the strongest cultivator in their city who is at the core formation realm can manage to vanish just like how the old man vanished instantly.