The First Memory

"I know what you are thinking," Lord Masao continued. "'If you could change events then why didn't you stop my death?' Well, your death was an event of huge importance that could not be changed."

What I was thinking? I wasn't thinking anything so, why did he say that when he can read minds, Sakura thought. And my death was important?

Lord Masao laughed then said, "Ha, I'll give you an example of one of the many reasons your death was important. If you had not died in that battle your enemies would have used your brother to get to you and you would have both died in the end and this girl whose life you are currently taking over would never have been born."

"Hmmm… some of what this old man is saying makes sense," she thought but, she still didn't understand some of it.


Lord Masao's anger was triggered again but he had to quickly quell it. After calming down he decided to move on.

"Ok, enough with the chit-chat, let's move on to the important stuff. The first thing we need to discuss is your control of this body. You currently do not have full control over it as the will of the previous owner is still there. She has indeed died but her grievances, the things she was unable to accomplish, still linger. Until those grievances are taken care of she cannot move on. Therefore, you will need to help address these lingering feelings."

"But how am I supposed to help if I don't know what to help with?" Sakura thought.

"Ah, that is my next point," Lord Masao continued. "When you successfully quell one of her grievances not only will you gain more control over her body but you will also gain some of her memories. These memories should help you figure out how you can help her."

"But then how do I start?" she thought.

"Don't worry, that is why I am here. I am going to help you sign a soul contract that will let you get the first set of memories and body control before you solve the grievance. However, if you are unable to solve it you will also share the fate of being unable to move on after you die in this life."

Lord Masao then held up a smoky like projection of a scroll. "Think 'sign' and you will then automatically sign the contract."

"Sign?" she questioned.

"Great the contract is complete!" he said.

Sakura then questioned in surprise, "What?" Then it hit her.

_ _ _ _ _ _

A young girl with long pink hair tied into a ponytail was standing in front of a door to the study of a huge residence. She was nervous as she attempted to knock on the door a few times. Finally building up the courage she was able to knock.

"Come in," a low voice was heard from inside.

She opened the door and entered the study. She then walked right up to the desk her grandfather was sitting at and sat down in the chair in front of it without asking. Her grandfather did not seem to mind.

"And how can I help you my little Sakura?" her grandfather asked.

"Umm…," she hesitated before grabbing the courage again. "Grandfather, I have something to tell you."

"Alright go ahead," he replied.

"Grandfather, I… I… I want to become an actress. It's my dream!" she finally managed to exclaim.

Oh God! This was it. This was why she was nervous. Her grandfather was the only one she ever felt nervous around and this was the reason. He went from all smiles to a stern looking face the second she finished her sentence.

Only after staring at her for a good minute did he finally say something in reply to her.

"My little Sakura, you are the heir to the Ye company. The one who will take over my job after I die. But you are also my little Sakura, my granddaughter. My most precious treasure. Therefore, I am willing to make a compromise with you if you can agree."

The little girl became excited at hearing that there was hope for her acting career.

"If you can promise to keep up with your studies to take over the company I am willing to give you five years of full support for acting. However, after those five years you will have to retire and join the company. Are you willing to agree to these terms my little Sakura?" he said with a serious face.

The girl thought about it for bit and after realizing she was willing to do anything for her dream she paused herself to take a deep breath before replying.

"Grandfather, as long as I can follow my dream I am willing to agree to your terms." Even though she had taken that deep breath she could not keep herself from smiling brightly.

"Good, then I will have the necessary arrangements made," he said before sending her off to bed.

One month later, after having passed her auditions for the second female lead of a new upcoming movie, the girl was in a car on her way to the first day of shooting for the film happily humming her favorite song when another car crashed into theirs at an intersection. In pain with blood dripping down her face and a ringing in her ears, she slowly lost consciousness.