A New Student

Ye Sakura finally returned from her daydream caused by receiving the new memory just as Miko finished driving them to the entrance of the Ye residence. It took her a moment to realize that there were tears sliding down her cheek. She had been crying? Quickly wiping the tears away, Sakura began to reflect on the new memories she had just acquired.

First, she tried to think of what she did to receive the memory. After thinking about what she was doing beforehand and comparing to what was in the memories, she thought of something. Was one of the previous Ye Sakura's grievances the promise she had made to herself that she would save someone's life like a super hero? Thinking about it, she had done just that right before receiving the memory by saving Miko.

Miko? Thinking about Miko, she finally looked around to realize they had arrived at her residence and found Miko still sitting in the driver's seat looking down, seemingly deep in thought. How much did she see?

Deciding it would be too awkward to ask, Sakura chose to let things be and see what happens. At that moment, she thought of how solving a grievance would give her more control of this body as well as increase her ability to use magic. Suddenly she had a huge urge to rush to her room and test how much control she had gained. She then, without waiting for Miko to do so for her, opened the door to get out.

"Thank you for driving me home," she said before stepping out as Miko still hadn't moved.

_ _ _ _ _ _

After Sakura had snapped her out of her confusion, Miko pushed all her thoughts out of her head as she focused only on driving. However, the second that she parked the van outside the Ye residence the thoughts all came flooding back.

What just happened? Was she really saved by her target? Had she really just been trying to save that same target before then? Was she really so set on not showing off her abilities that she would having willing let that knife hit her? And to save the person she was supposed to be assassinating no less?

At this point, she started to replay the event over and over in her head until she realized something. Not only had Ye Sakura been faster than she would have been, but her technique was much better then what she would have done. She had also noted that right before Sakura made contact with the knife, her palm seemed to have somehow had a slight glow. Thinking that the glow was just her mind glorifying the amazing skills she had just seen, she decided to not think much of it.

Then the side door to the van opened which slightly interrupted Miko's thoughts.

"Thank you for driving me home," she heard from behind her before the sound of Sakura leaving the van was heard.

At that moment she thought of something. She thought that if she could use a technique like that, she probably knew more. And with that, she decisively gave up on completing her mission and rushed to get out of the van.


_ _ _ _ _

Just as she was about to open the front gate, Sakura heard the vans front door open before a voice she rarely got the chance to hear stopped her in her tracks.

"Wait, please wait!" Miko had rushed to say.

Turning around, Sakura found Miko on the ground in front of her bowing deeply.

"Please, Master Ye, take me as your student."

Hearing those words, Ye Sakura was stunned. Me? Take a student? For what?

"Why are you asking to be my student?" she couldn't help but ask.

"I want to learn martial arts from you. After seeing your amazing technique just now, I realize that your skills are better than mine." Miko stated.

Miko had always been someone who only cared about improving herself. The Black Raven organization who had been grooming her to be an assassin thought that she wanted to be stronger to move up in ranks within the organization. However, she just liked the martial arts training and if she could learn stronger moves from somewhere else, she wouldn't hesitate to betray. Just like she was doing now.

Ye Sakura, finally understanding, started thinking about it but not knowing anything about Miko's abilities, thinking she was a beginner, decided to decline as teaching the basics would take quite a while.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I have enough time to teach the basics required to reach my level," she stared saying.

"If it's about my ability, let me show you, I already have a very good grasp of the basics." Miko replied.

What Ye Sakura witnessed next indeed surprised her. Miko began doing exercises that showed off her skills, speed, and understanding of high level and advanced martial arts. No longer having an excuse, all she could do was give in and take Miko as her student. Having a sparing partner during training would make things easier for her anyways.

"Alright, follow me to my room and let's spar some so you can show me your abilities."

She would have to test how much control over magic she now had for later but she felt she would have much more of a fun time testing her control over this body by sparing with this surprising girl. Not even thinking about why someone with such skills had become her assistant, they headed for her room.