The Decision

Koda Rei, who was laying down on his bed, was currently listening intently to Miss Fei's voice who was sitting at the desk in the room in front of a laptop. She was reading out the comments under the video of Ye Sakura's heroic action one by one.

"I think I have just found my new hero!!!!!! Or is it heroine in this case? Whatever, I wonder what it would feel like for her to save me!"

"Oh, Wow, I need to learn how to do that!"

"Such a goddess! I want to see more of her moves just like this!"

Obviously, even though everything was mostly positive, there were still a few negative comments.

"Meh, you can tell that this is fake, they are just doing some sort of PR stunt. Not Impressed."

"How can you all fall for this fake crap? There is no way I am getting tricked."

Koda Rei did not know how he felt about this. On one hand, he was overjoyed that her reputation had pretty much completely recovered. On the other, he was not the one who caused the recovery. He had wanted to be the hero who saved her image. Not Ye Sakura being that hero herself.

There was another point that was taking up his thoughts. The fact that there was now yet another similarity between Ye Sakura, his first love, and this Ye Sakura. She had performed a series of martial arts moves in order to deflect that knife which were exactly like the moves that his first love had learned while training with him.

Due to having Miss Fei do a thorough investigation of the girl, he found a very striking oddity. In order to perform such techniques, it required years of mental and physical practice, as well as, a master or teacher to teach them to you. In the information from the investigation of the girl, there was no sign of where she had the time to train to perform said moves to such a level, nor who she had learned them from. It was almost as if she had gained the knowledge and experience required immediately after she had awoken from her coma.

He was indeed one who believed in reincarnation, but until now, he had never thought it possible to reincarnate with one's memories intact, let alone, into the body of someone who had already lived. But, as he was someone who had been cursed with his age paused and having lived over a thousand years because of it, he now believed anything was possible.

Thinking he now had enough information from Miss Fei's investigation and suspecting the idea of a reincarnation at play, Koda Rei now believed that this pink haired girl was indeed his first love. At this point he made the decision to confront her directly and flat out ask her in order to confirm his suspicions. If he was wrong, he believed that the worst that could happen was that the girl would gain the impression that he was crazy. But, even so, he would be fine with that as he would finally, without a doubt, know the truth.

Interrupting Miss Fei whilst she was in the middle of reciting one of the comments, Koda Rei said in a commanding tone, "Schedule a meeting with Ye Sakura, I have something I would like to ask her."

"Yes, Master Koda," Miss Fei replied, surprised by the sudden interruption, before making the call to set up the necessary arrangements.

_ _ _ _ _ _

The next morning, Miko received a call to pick up Ye Sakura as there was another meeting for her to attend. As she was already at Ye Sakura's residence she replied saying she was already there and could inform Ye Sakura herself.

After hanging up, Miko started to sit up in the futon she was provided when she sensed a presence at the door. Even though she didn't think they would have moved this fast, she knew full well that the Black Raven's would be sending someone to replace her soon enough. Raising her guard up she focused on the presence more only to realize that they were no professional.

Just as she was about to relax she felt something flash past her body and, a second later, a pink haired girl appeared in her vision, pushing the door open at an incredible speed.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Ye Sakura had long figured out that the person that continually showed up at her door but never knocked was her younger sister. Even though there were memories of her sister in the last batch she received after solving another grievance, it was all pretty much information she already knew. Her name, and the fact that she was her sister. The only new memory was of her watching a super hero tv show with her.

Even so, she decided it was time to confront her and find out the reason she kept coming to her door. After Miko's phone and her conversation on it had awakened her from her sleep, she immediately noticed that her sister had arrived outside her door once more. Not wanting to miss this chance, she immediately darted towards the door before opening it as fast as she could.

On the other side of the door, a very much surprised Ye Yuna had fallen down on her butt in shock, even though the door had just missed her.