Growing up

*Imperial Star Continent* *Northstar kingdom*

Its the fourth year of Leonardo's birth. Unlike other kids his age, instead of playing around, Leo was interested in watching his father's training and sparing sessions. It was like he gained incite when he watched his father. Seeing his beloved son, Edward would carry Leo and explain concepts of being a knight and how to sense mana. This had been going on for three years now. Edward marvelled at Leo's will to get stronger but didn't know what was driving this will. In truth, not even Leo knew.

For a while back, Leo has been having some kind of dreams or call them revelations. He sees a man and a lady, deeply in each others bossoms, promising to be with one another, but they where hunted down and killed. What was shocking to Leo was that it all felt real, the memories where his, he was the man in his revelations. Later on, he saw himself in a different body, lifetime and era. For every new era he finds himself, he kept on searching for his lover. Although he always found her, there was always a predicament. Either she was way to old for him or young. Sometimes, it would be that when the lovers found each other, a tragedy would occur resulting in death of one. These men where never strong enough to protect their love, so Leo thought. Maybe this was why he wants to become stronger. Still, he was doubtful about his reason for wanting to be stronger.

Although, these dreams occurred once in a while, Leo hadn't told his parents or any one else about it. One should know that growing up, Leonardo has been characterized as a genius among geniuses. Walking at six months, making verbal communication at nine months, reading and writing fluently at a year and seven months. Damn, he made kids his age look stupid.

A guard walked into Edwards training ground and told him the mistress had summoned him. It was time for breakfast.

The dinning table was set with different delicacies. Even if you weren't hungry, you would still want to eat. Being a duke, Edward was practically a wealthy individual. Beside the benefits and wealth he got from being a duke, Edwards wealth took a turn for the best when he discovered an iron mine within his territory. With this, he made armours and weapons and some other little materials that could e sold in the labour market to other powerhouse. Along with his mine, he has a pill shop where different pills are concocted and sold.

Travis, a Sage Alchemist resided in Duke Edwards mansion. He was in charge of the pill shop. No one knows Travis background better than Edward. Travis had been an exceptional alchemist. Because he refused to concoct a poisonous pill for a knight at the king knight lower realm,he was labeled a traitor and was to be killed. He ran away and was found by Edward, who was on a mission. He was saved by Edward whom he swore his loyalty to. This year, Travis would only be 31.

On the dinning table sat Vanessa, Edward, Leonardo, Travis, Gunther (the Head blacksmith) and Sarah (the house keeper). Everyone was enjoying the meal in front of them when suddenly, they sensed the flow of mana in the surrounding moving towards Leonardo. Finally, muttered Leo. With face filled with shock and disbelief, everyone looked at Leonardo.