Leo opened his eyes, to his surprise, he displayed both the light and dark elements. Nessa was shocked. Didn't you just successfully display only your fire and lightning element moments ago? Did you forget the method or are you tired? Not given the chance to answer, he stared at his mother dumbfounded and tried infusing his mana into the elemental crystal ball again. After that, he got the same results. They couldn't be split. Leo, what is going on? Vanessa asked looking scared for her baby boy. Perhaps she and Ed where rushing him. He's only four years old afterall.Leo kept trying but failed continuously. Then he sat down and checked himself. He tried absorbing mana and he did it successfully. He closed his eyes and checked his sea of consciousness in his mind. He could see his elements floating around him. When he counted, there where just three elements around him. Fire, lightning then a third element, Light and Darkness. Coming out of his consciousness, he told his mom what he had observed. How can light and darkness be one entity? His light and darkness element were one entity. You can't split an element into two after all. Then that means,although two but they exist as one. If that's the case, his light and dark element behaves like yin and yang. The balance between light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong. All this was going on in Vanessa's thought.
In a way, it could be said that Leo has three elemental affinity but his third element had both characteristics of light and darkness. Leo, Vanessa finally called out, she explained the nature of his light and dark elements. Leo understood and finally calmed down. Vanessa then told Leo about the levels and ranks of Practioners in the world. She gave him a wooden sword and started practicing with Leo.
Leo took a stance. He spread out his legs and stood slanting to a side. Then, like he was about crouching down with his sword pointing at his mom, he lunched himself forward. Such speed, thought Vanessa. Although she could counter him, she knew that if Leo was her level, she would have a hard time dodging him. When Leo got closer to her, she raised her sword to block him.
"clank" "clank" the wooden swords kept clashing against each other. She kept defending against Leo. She kicked him back, Leo somersaulted in the air, landed on his foot, moving mana to his legs he propelled toward Vanessa immediately, with the sword pointed forward he rotated in the air and landed a barrage of attacks on Vanessa. Seeing the move he just used, she smiled and said to him, "you can actually use that move after watching me spar? Yes, he replied. Both of them stood opposite each other. I will add a little of my strength in this next attack dear. Mana surged through her body and sword as she lunched at Leo. With a vertical slash coming towards him, Leo held his sword horizontally above his head to parry his moms attack. However, the difference in strength was obvious as he was sent flying backwards.
Did I hurt you dear? Vanessa was a little worried. She had exerted a little too much of her strength as she was enjoying the Spar between her and Leo. Leo got up and looked with a dissatisfied expression. He told his mother, I am okay mom, but i am not able to bring out my full potential using just this sword. He went by the weapons shelf and picked another sword. Dual blades exclaimed Vanessa. This boy was just full of wonders.
With both swords in each hand, he took another stance, this time both swords where pointed at his mother. He pounced forward and slashed vertically at her. She blocked the attack .She pushed Leo back and immediately rushed towards him. "clank" "clank" "clank" the swords kept clashing with each other. With so much joy in her heart as her son was technically a fighting genius, she let her guard down. Leo saw an opening and was about landing a finishing blow to his mom. Immediately reading his motive, she countered him and knocked him down. Leo was about standing when he saw a sword pointed towards his temple. Vanessa said to him smiling, "you didn't think I would let you win did you?"
With a weary, Leo nodded his head. That will be all for today. Leo humbly bowed to his mom and left the training ground to his room. He was going to take a bath when he suddenly felt a surge from his body. He was about breaking through. He sat cross legged on the bed in his room and started absorbing mana crazily. In less to no time, he broke through to the second stage of the squire realm. His mother, who sensed the flow of mana in Leo's room was extremely shocked. Okay, with talent like this, even I will die of shock from this boy. Hadn't he just broken through the first stage this morning during breakfast?
*Note that sensing mana and absorbing it marks the advancement into the first stage of the squire realm.