The swords in Leo's hand reverberated as it clashed against Edwards sword.
Edward:" if you were on the same level with me, i would be dead from your attacks kid"
Leo: "You flatter me alot father".
It's been five years since Leo started training with his parents. He had trained diligently and hard, not missing a thing in his daily routine. His siblings, Andrea and Andrew, had also grow quite well. On his free days, Leo would play with them when they were awake during the day and would put them to bed by telling them different stories of old. Andrea and Andrew had so gotten fond of their brother. On his training days, they would watch him as he diligently work to hone his skills and abilities. Leo had come up with different tactics to attack foes, mastered all the techniques his parents had thought and even upgraded some of them. "Why does big brother train so hard? Asked Andrea. She would mutter to herself most of the time as she would always want to play with Leo. Andrew, on the other hand, will make a stance before his brother challenging him. If I win, you will come play with me, said Andrew. Unfortunately, he never won any as Leo would carry him and tickle him until he taps out.
Just as Edward and Leo were sparring, Vanessa walked in. Seeing her, both Ed and Leo stopped their attacks on each other.
Vanessa: its just been five years and there is nothing we can teach you again Leo. Leo smiled wearily and replied his mom, "You can't blame me, afterall, I am the product of the union between "Edward of the red lightning and blue flame Deva Vanessa and you ...." Leo hadn't finish talking, he felt a hand grabbing his head.
Vanessa, while holding Leo's head and hitting it, looked at Edward with a fierce gaze and said, "dear, where does this boy get these ideas?"
Seeing Vanessa's facial expression, Edward gulped down saliva and replied " darling, I also wonder"
Vanessa: (finally letting go of Leo) Leonardo, if you are always indoors, I am afraid you won't gain any knowledge concerning the real world. And as you have it, there is nothing we haven't taught you about cultivation. For the next six days, you are free to do whatever you like, go out for a start and get used to humans outside of your family.
Edwars: (butting in) make friends kid. But be careful who you trust. Some humans are more devious than demons at times.
Vanessa : on the seventh day, you would recieve your last lessons from us. It's going to be a showdown. You versus, technically us.(she said with a grin)
Hearing this, Leo felt like a great force had been placed on his head. He started sweating.
Leonardo : both of you? Thats not fair.
Edward: life isn't fair kid. Besides, you have six days to come up with counter-measures .
Before Leo could say another word, his parents disappeared from where they were standing .
What the HELLLL!!!!!!
****IN LEO'S ROOM****
Arghhhh.. This is so messed up. How the hell am I going to defeat both of them. Dad is now an Earth Knight of the fifth stage and mom is at the fourth. Leo thought of various ways to outsmart his parents but all ended up in him losing to them because of their strength compared to his. Leo thought for so so long he didn't even notice the sun set. He went to bed to calm his mind.
****Next morning****
Big brother! Big brother!! Big brother!!! Andrea and Andrew yelled.
Opening his eyes, Leo saw his siblings jumping on his bed, disturbing his sleep, he smiled and asked, "what do you guys want?" we want to play with big brother replied the twins. Leo smiled at them and said, you can play with big brother if you can ....catch him. Immediately, Leo ran around his room, playing with his brother and sister, until a maid knocked on his door.
Leo: what do you need?
Maid: the duchess has asked me to bring back the twins. They need to take their bath and prepare for breakfast.
Leonardo : Andrea, Andrew go take your bath.
Nooi, replied the twins. We want to play with you.
Okay, replied Leo. Lets play a new game then. Last to leave my room gets to do whatever the first two wants.
Get ready, go!! The twins ran as fast as they could outside of Leonardo's room. As they got out, the door shut close. Realizing they have been tricked, they screamed. Big Brother is a Bully!! Then, they went with the maid.
Leo rushed straight to have a bath. When he finished, he saw some clothes on his bed, a ring and a letter. The letter read "your first day outside, the ring is a storage ring,you know what to do right? Enjoy your day" Ed
Leo sent his mana into the ring and saw the vast space within it. Whoa! This is huge. His father had also deposited a million gold coins into the ring.
100 copper coins is equivalent to a silver coin
100 silver coins is equivalent to a gold coin.
And Leo had a million of gold coins. How wealthy is my father exactly?
After preparing himself, Leo prepared to set out of his house. For the first time since birth, apart from his family, Leo knew no one else. He was eager to explore the outside world.
He muttered to himself "world here I come"...