Edwards winged tiger was a rank four beast. The majestic pair of wings on it back is as a result of it first awakening when it became a rank 3 beast.Having a King Bloodline, the winged tiger is a creature hard to find and also subdue. Edwards mount had an affinity with lightning and was very proficient at it. Applying mana to it wings, the winged tiger could travel extremely fast.
Sitting on his fathers mount, Leonardo had a lot going through his head. Today, he would be joining the most prestigious academy in the entire Northstar kingdom, he had to make the best out of his time staying in the academy, after all, he is Duke Edwards son. A lot was expected from him. Since his parents were prodigies in their youth, so should he. Still in thoughts, something caught Leos attention. It was the gigantic and majestic buildings of the Northstar Academy.Whoa! Leo exclaimed. Flying around the academy, Edward showed Leo the different parts of the academy, the training grounds, the dorms, classrooms, library, cultivation areas and the battle arenas, after all, he too studied and trained here.
After taking a long detour around the academy, Edward signaled to his mount to land. Coming closer to the ground, the winged tiger made a majestic roar and landed on the ground in front of the academy registration center. Some other mounts with lesser bloodline, upon hearing this roar, showed a hint of fear, causing a little ruckus in the academy. Looking at the source of the roar, everyone stood still as the most revered duke in the entire Imperial Star continent had made his appearance along side a child not more than 10 years of age.
The Northstar kingdom holds the most power on the Imperial Star continent, business wise, military power, resources and so on, the Northstar Kingdom excels in all this areas. One of the kingdoms most distinguished factor is the Northstar academy. Although, one of four academies in the Northstar kingdom, holds the most prestige and power. For the past hundreds of years, the academy has produced some of the best talents in the kingdom and the continent at large. The Dean of the academy, Fredrick, is the one of the fifteen Heaven Knight Realm experts in the Northstar Kingdom. the 4th strongest to be exact. The reason for the safety of the academy is not only because of the dean, but also presence of the vice dean, the 6th strongest in the kingdom, Heaven Knight Rose and of the 7th strongest knight in the kingdom, the head librarian Anderson.
You could hear side talk among the people. Edward made his way towards the registration center with ease as a path was made for his mount. Jumping of his mount, Edward took a majestic stance and walked elegantly before a man before him.
1st Registrar: Identification? he asked, stretching forth his hand.
Edward placed a gold medal like insignia on the hands of the registrar. Upon closer inspection, the registrar took a bow and said,
1st registrar: Northstar academy welcomes the duke, of the red lightning, Edward.
The registrar took down Leos details, age-height-body structure-eyes etc and gave him a key with the number 18 on it. Apparently, it was the number to his room.
Upon hearing the announcement, other nobles took to the registration stand. Some to have a closer inspection of the duke, others, to register their kids, after all, with talented kids, it would be easier to lead a great life as they had great potentials.
Becoming a student in the Northstar academy had a lot to it when it comes to admitting young talents. One of the requirement to be in this academy is that a child is to be in the squire realm before the age of 13. Leo could have been admitted into the academy 2 years ago. He was in the squire realm and considering his age, he would be treated as a genius but he had ruled out the idea of going then.
After registering, everyone move to another location. Here, the academy tests the strength and elemental affinity of the new students of the academy. Classes in the academy were split between the elements, fire-water-earth-lightning-wind-light. Dual element wielders spent more time training as non of them wanted to be left behind in the contest of strength in the world.
At the testing grounds, a little bit over a hundred kids stood tall and proud as they had gained the right to learn in the most prestigious school on the continent. Suddenly, everyone felt a great pressure. What is going on? most of the students wondered.
Fredrick: hmm. 7 kids can withstand a little of my aura effects. Good. *how about a little more?* he thought.
increasing the pressure, this time around, only 4 of them could withstand the pressure. However, something piqued his interest or rather 'someone'. While others stimulated mana through their body to withstand the pressure, that certain someone didn't find it necessary, that is, the pressure wasn't enough to suppress him. Fredrick increased his pressure even more and this time, most of the kids were already on the floor sweating. Glancing over at the certain 'someone', who stood still without a look of worry in his eyes, Fredrick gulped and said with a dry smile in a low tone to Anderson and Rose, so he is the next monster from that linage?
Rose: you might as well remove the pressure now don't you think?
Coming back to reality, Fredrick withdrew his aura and disappeared from where he was standing.
Those on the floor got to their feet and dusted off dirt on their body. With thoughts going through their minds, they asked each other questions they could not answer. Still in the middle of the mumbling and murmuring, 9 figures, clad is dazzling amours and giving of majestic auras, appeared on the podium in front of the new disciples. Feeling the mana emanating from these figures, everyone kept extremely quiet.
Adding mana to his voice for projection, the dean started his introductory speech.
Dean Fredrick: its with great honor I welcome you, the next generation of our great kingdom, to our Northstar Academy (everyone cheered). Now as you all know, in this school, you will undergo rigorous training and discipline to build you for the future that is yet to come. But before that, we would test your strength and your mana affinity here to assign you all to your classes. Behind me are the authorities next to mine, the vice dean, the head librarian and the 6 heads of each elemental department. The fact that all of you are here proves that you all have taken the first step into knighthood, becoming squires. I once again congratulate you all and hope to see more outstanding performances during your time of stay in this academy. I am the Dean of this academy, Heaven Knight Fredrick Sanford. Beside me are:
Vice dean of the academy, Heaven Knight Rose Waters
Head librarian of the academy, Heaven knight Anderson Gale
Head of the fire element department, Earth Knight Dave Black
Head of the lightning element department, Earth Knight Emma West
Head of the earth element department, Earth knight Mason Stuart
Head of the water element department, Earth Knight Ethan Greene
Head of the wind element department, Earth Knight Sophia Armstrong
Head of the Light element department, Earth Knight Ava Jones.
In due time, you all will be getting pointers from one of them, two if you are lucky, but till then bye. And with a gust of wind, the 9 figures disappeared.
Seeing the display of power and superiority of the 9 individuals, rivalry was born in the hearts of these young ones as they cheered on. Amidst their cheers, some set of individuals appeared on the podium and one of them announced.
Everyone present is to undergo two tests each. One for show of .....(he was interrupted by a colleague who whispered something into his ears)
Uhmm ... coughs.... erhmm... it seems there has been a change of plans. Everyone will only undergo the test to confirm their element affinity to group you all into your different classes. Now, shall the first disciple step forward?