Academy Life

Panic was written all over the faces of Aaron, Vincent, Katherine and Aria. They couldn't sense any mana from within the explosion.

Aaron: we couldn't have killed him did we? I mean, how would General Gonzales react to the death of his grandson?

Vincent: *with a serious look* that's Duke Edward's son? I mean, we just killed the son of the most reverend duke in our kingdom and the grandson of the strongest knight on this continent. We are so doomed.

Aria: *confused * what are we going to do?

Katherine: I doubt if the academy would let this go. Urgh!!! Why did we attack like that?

Vincent: well, he started it with that comment he ....

Vince was still talking when Aaron shut him up.

Vincent: enough! vince. We shouldn't have overreacted the way we did..

Katherine: what exactly did he say to make you guys so angry?

Vincent: *with an embarrassed look* he called me a frog in a well.

The girls still couldn't understand what he meant. Frog in a well?

Aaron: Leo made mockery of his background because Vince here has a crush on her(point to Aria)

Immediately Aaron finished his statement, a punch connected with his stomach.

Aaron: ouch!! What was that for?!

Vincent: that was for ratting me out.

Aaron: i had no choice

Vincent: well you didn't need to answer the question.

By now, Aria's face was red with embarrassment. Then she replied,

Aria: i don't really care about your background. I mean, if you get stronger, you could change your background.....

She was still talking when a new yet familiar voice resounded from behind her and the others.

Leo: So you saying you accept his love for you?

Aria: Not so fast mister. As long as he (pointing at Vince) can get to the Earth knight realm, then I will think about it.

Leo: then(looking at Vincent) you have a lot of work to do, frog.

Vincent: *who was blushing hard* nodded his head. Yes sir.(ignoring that Leo actually called him a frog again)

Leo smiled and was dusting his clothes when it finally clicked in the minds of Aaron, Vincent, Katherine and Aria that he wasn't dead as they thought.

Ahhh!!! Ghost!! They all screamed.

Leo: hey!! That's rude. Your measly attack can't do a thing to me. You have a long way to go if you actually wanna beat me. And of course, I won't slack off too.

Aaron: *with a serious look* Tell me exactly Leo, what stage are you in?

Leo: *with a beautiful smile* I guess you will just have to find out. Oh and by the way *looking at the girls*, I am Leonardo Gonzales, this is Aaron Henderson, that's Vincent Bates.

Katherine and Aria finally realized that they'd not introduced themselves yet. I am Katherine Bells and this is Aria Hills. Nice to meet you.

After exchanging little pleasantries, they all left the training room for their rooms. Before knowing, the day was over and they split to their various dorms.

***Room 18***

After taking baths and meditating a little, the boys decided to sleep. Suddenly, Leo asked;

Leo: hey guys, what's your dream? What's your drive to get stronger? Why do you pursue strength?

Vincent and Aaron thought to themselves for a while before replying.

Vincent: I grew up in a small village where the livelihood of almost every male was hunting wild animals and farming and as for the women it was weaving. After every successful hunt, meat and raw materials are shared among the town members. I had a friend whom I loved dearly, a girl. We all lived a peaceful life until a tragic incident occurred. My father was the chief hunter. On a certain day my family and I came to make some trades in the city. When we got home, we saw some creatures ravaging through the village. The poor villagers, who had no means of defending themselves were brutally slaughtered in cold blood. I couldn't stand the gore and violence. The creatures sensed us and charged towards us. Then, I saw my father unleash a certain power. He was able to kill every of those creatures that attacked my village. I had no time to question him and immediately ran to my friends house to check on her. There and then, at the entrance of her house, i saw her dismembered body. I have never felt so weak and useless in my entire life like that moment. I couldn't hold on to the pain in my head and i fainted. Later on, my father explained to me that those creatures were demons and how he was able to defeat them. We moved to the city and my father joined the adventures guild. I sensed mana when I was 8 years old and so began my pursuit for strength, because, with enough strength, you never have to fear losing the ones you love.

Leo: I know how you feel Vincent. It may sound absurd but I honestly can feel your pain.

Aaron was quiet for a while. He didn't know how to respond to Vincent's emotions because he hadn't experienced something of sort. Then he spoke;

Aaron: Strength is what determines the rules in this world. I made a promise to someone and I can only fulfill it if I am strong enough.

Those were Aaron's only words.

Leo: We all have various reasons to get stronger. To protect loved ones, to be the one to set rules, our reasons are best understood by ourselves. Let's do our best and get stronger together.

Yes! They replied.

Days later, the trio were always seen together. It's either they were training, eating or hanging out with the girls, in their free time that is. These continued to be the daily activities of the five of them. The only exception to when they were not near each other would be when their teachers had requested their presence.

Some days back, Vice Dean Rose Waters had taken Vincent as her personal disciple, the Head of Light element department, Ava Jones had taken Katherine, Head of Fire department, Dave Black had taken Aria. Aaron was taken in by Anderson also.

Soon, the peaceful days in the academy were getting closer to an end. Life in the academy was about getting intense.