The Apprentice Blacksmith

After finishing of the remaining 7 giant rats, Ye Cheng returned to the village.

He wanted to take some missions and quests, fighting monsters alone won't be enough for him to advance in the game.

When he entered the village he found it bursting with life.

There were players everywhere some of them were taking mission from NPCs while others were discussing between themselves about a certain quest or a certain player.

There were some player who had already made names for themselves, especially those who were on the top of the players' list.

There were some talking about the guilds, he heard the name of Crimson Fire Guild a few time and it was not in a good way.

"It looks like the guild of the four idiots has some fame here, no wonder they were that rampant." Ye Cheng muttered to himself.

While he was walking he reached the market, here any player can a stall and sell what he found while playing the game and didn't need.

As he was walking he saw some few good things that can be of some use to him but the moment he saw the prices he could only smile bitterly while shaking his head in resignation.

"The prices here are very high, why don't they go and rob a bank" Ye Cheng was talking with a bitter expression on his face.

With the 10 Copper coins he has, he couldn't even afford the cheapest Steel tier equipment let alone the higher ones.

Every player will get 10 copper coins and a piece of White tier equipment and clothes of his job.

Although he killed many monsters, they were all ordinary of the white tier and only dropped white tier equipment.

The monsters in the game has 6 tiers so as the equipment.

They are White tier, Steel tier, Copper tier, Silver tier, Gold tier, and Legendry tier.

There is some rumors about a mysterious tier above the legendry tier but no one if it's a truth or just rumors.

The White tier equipment give a boost to the player by 1-4%, the Steel tier equipment give a boost by 5-9%, copper tier equipment give a boost by 10-19%, silver tier equipment give a boost by 20-39%.

The gold tier equipment give a boost to the player by 40-89% while the legendry tier equipment give a boost over 90%.

Every equipment is bound by their levels, if the player level exceeded their level by certain number they became useless, they could even be broken by a single strike if the difference is too huge.

This rule is made by the company to force the players to change their equipment every while so they could make more money.

Of course this rule don't apply to legendary tier equipment.

There is very few of them in the first place and if the players have to change one every few levels, they would cry blood tears.

There is a saying that a treasure sword needs a good master to play its strength.

This is also the same for humans, a good swordsman will need a strong sword to show his power.

While he was walking dejectedly, he noticed some selling mining materials.

Those material are bought by players who had chosen to be blacksmiths as their secondary job.

There's even some players who take their secondary job as a full-time one.

Ye Cheng suddenly stopped his footsteps.

He has remembered something that happened in his past life there were some NPCs who issued quests about gathering materials and gave high rewards for that.

Although these were simple quests with high rewards, they were hidden quests so they won't be triggered without a special condition.

As he thought of that Ye Cheng decided to give it a try.

He to one of the stores opened by NPC and sold all the equipment he has gathered in the forest.

"This F@##r! Is he the thief or me?" Ye Chen was really angry.

"23 pieces of equipment for 25 copper coins, does he I was selling cabbages?"

Even if it was the most ordinary white tier equipment they shouldn't be this cheap.

If he were he were to sell them in the market, he would have gotten a better price but he didn't want to waste time, he wasn't even sure if he would succeed.

"With the 10 coins I had, now I have 35"

"I'll be risking my whole wealth on this. Whatever, without risk there is no gain" Ye Cheng clenched his teethes and proceeded to one of stalls selling metal and other materials in the marked.

The stall owner was a little fat guy and he was currently busy bargaining with another player.

"Hey brother, how are you selling these pieces of metal?" asked Ye Cheng

"10 pieces for one copper coin" Answered the fat guy indifferently without even looking at Ye Cheng.

"Can't you make it a little cheaper? I'll be taking a large amount" As Ye Cheng said that he pulled out 30 copper coins, he decided to leave 5 for an emergency case.

When the guy heard that he looked at Ye Cheng.

The moment he saw the money his expression changed, and he put the most proficient smile he could master.

"Of course, what about 11 pieces for one coin. This is a fair price, you ask around, in my fatty Wang we sell the best goods for the cheapest prices, we treat both old and young honestly" fatty Wang spoke with a wide smile on his face.

"400 pieces for 30 coins!" Said Ye Cheng

"This can't be! I'll close the stall for this price. 350 pieces for 30 coins is my final price" fatty Wang made a pained expression as he said that.

"Deal!" Ye Cheng paid the money as he said that and got the 350 metal pieces in his storage page.

After he finished the deal in the market, Ye Cheng immediately went to the blacksmith shop to try his luck.

The village was not that large and only has on blacksmith shop, it was "Hammer Jack" shop.

The blacksmith shop was located on the main Street.

Other than hunting monsters for equipment, players could also look for blueprints and materials and give them to a blacksmith to craft them!

These crafted equipment usually had higher attributes than those dropped by monsters.

So blacksmiths were one of the most common class in the game.

Even If it is an ordinary White tier piece of equipment, it was better than monster drops, and what if the player crafted a golden tier one or accidentally crafted a legendary one? Wouldn't he instantly strike rich? Those Legendary items were severely limited even at the later stages of the game so if you could craft one it is enough to bring a good some of money for the player.

Chasing their dreams, many players would come to the smithy every day to train their skills in crafting hoping to become famous blacksmiths one day.

The smithy was full of players, Ye Cheng finally squeezed his way with much effort.

After entering the shop he saw a middle aged man hammering a sword.

'This NPC should be the boss' thought Ye Cheng as he went straight to the middle aged man.

"Is there something I can help you with, dear customer?" The smithy's boss, Jack inquired with a smile.

"I want to fix this dagger" as he said that Ye Cheng took out a broken dagger he has prepared beforehand.

"No problems! 3 copper coins"

'D*mn! Are all the NPCs in this game thieves?' Ye Cheng cured angrily in his heart.

"Ok!!" Said Ye Cheng with clinched teethes, he just hoped that he was right and could trigger a hidden quest.

"Here is your dagger it returned as if new" The smithy's boss handed the dagger with a smile.

Ye Cheng took the dagger and asked:

"Thank you, boss! Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I'm thankful for your good intentions but I don't need any thing for the time being."

"Are you sure? I can help you with anything! Isn't your smithy lacking in materials?" unwilling to give up Ye Chen asked again.

"No! I don't lack anything currently" unfortunately the boss still shattered his hopes with a smile.

Ye Cheng dejectedly lift the smithy.

He has lost everything but couldn't succeed.

Ye Cheng decided to leave this matter behind his back and find some quests to complete.

He still need to make money and don't have the time to be dejected.

"D**t! What Sh*t blacksmith are you?"

"A Steel tier equipment was wasted like that! It costed me a big sum of money to get it"

A player who looked like a warrior was shouting angrily in front of a little shop 30 meters away from the smithy.

When Ye Cheng got closer he found that this small shop is actually a small smithy.

"Arguing with an NPC won't lead you any way. Let's stop wasting our time here" the warrior's companion was trying to persuade him to leave.

"But my steel tier equipment…" the warrior complained with a tearful expression on his face.

"It's just a steel tier equipment, you will get a better one in the future!"

His companion tried to comfort him then they both left the place.

Ye Cheng arrived at a small smithy and found a young youth staying there with a depressed face. He is an apprentice blacksmith named Jon.

"Sigh! No one has come here for a long time, now that I missed this opportunity I doubt I'll get another one in the future. How can I train my crafting like that" Sighed Jon as resigned to his fate.

This realistic feature made the NPCs look as if they possessed a conscience. This was also one of the features that made this game the greatest game in history.

Even Ye Chen felt sympathy for this NPC.

"Are you opened for business?" asked Ye Chen.

"Didn't you see the one leaving? Aren't you afraid of Your Equipment being destroyed?"

"He might have been just unlucky. Any way I don't have enough money to go to the other smithy"

"And if it was destroyed then let it be. Just a piece of equipment, I could get another one any time"

Ye Chen said with a smile as he handed a broken dagger, another one than the one that was fixed, he was keeping it just in case.

Jon took the dagger and started fixing it but unfortunately the final results was as expected the dagger turned into scrap metal.

"Sigh! I need a lot of Metal to help increase my skill. If I could get it, this thing would have not happened"

Suddenly an exclamation mark appeared on his head, indicating an available quest.

Ye Chen eyes lit up and said immediately:

"You don't have to worry! I can help get any amount you need"

"Really!!! Could you help me collect some Metal? Won't that be too much trouble" Jon looked at Ye Cheng excitedly, but he was embarrassed to ask him for his help.

'Ding! Jon has a quest for you: Lending A Hand. Will you accept it?'

Ye Cheng smiled weakly and selected 'Accept'. He then took out some of Metal he has and turned it over.

"Ah! Thank you so much! You're a really kind person! With these Metal, I will definitely improve my craft and become an official Master Blacksmith!" Jon replied excitedly.

'Ding! You have completed the quest: Lending A Hand. Gained 8000 EXP!'