Generous Gift

Ye Cheng used stealth and disappeared from the crowding players silently.

He wanted to get closer to the boss to see when it is the suitable time to offer his 'help' for the Crimson Fire Guild.

Ye Cheng stood 500 meters away from the boss, he didn't want to attract unwanted attention.

Looking at the boss direction, he found that it was a giant lion with double Heads named (Silver Boss)

This "Double-Headed Bloody Lion" was surrounded by about 200-300 player from the Crimson Fire Guild.

These Crimson Fire Guild players had already beaten the boss until it had 10% of its health left.

"Tanks keep attracting the boss agro, don't let it go after the other players. Priest concentrate your healing on the Guardians and other tanks as for other players attack with all you have"

"Just a little more and we will be the first guild to kill a Silver Boss. It only has 10% HP left, everyone do your best"

The one speaking was guild leader of Crimson Fire Guild "Fire Spear"

An Apprentice Magician at Lv9 and one of the famous top players on the players' lists.

"Guild leader we have lost many players and those standing are barely alive"

"Don't worry, after we finish this boss everyone who participated in killing the boss will get 1 gold coin and those with the most contributions will get 10 gold coins" said Fire Spear.

When the Crimson Fire Guild players heard what their leader said they all cheered.

As this is still in the early stage of the game, Gold Coins are very valuable and can be exchanged for 1000 Yuan in the real world.

Fire Spear was this generous because this the first silver boss kill in the whole game as long as they succeeded there fame will increase globally.

As the guild fame increase more players will come to join and also more sponsors which means more money and he as the guild leader will gain more.

Compared with benefits he will get later this sum of money couldn't be conceder a thing.

Then something unexpected happened.

After the boss HP reached 3%, its color changed blood red.

When Fire Spear saw this, his expressions changed.

"F**k! It has gone berserk. EVERYONE retreat fast!!!"

Fire Spear shouted with his loudest voice as he ran from the boss.

An attack from a Lv15 berserk silver boss was not something a Lv9 player could take.


Double-Headed Bloody Lion lunched a strong AOE sound attack.

It was a loud roar that even reached to the crowd standing far away not to mention the Crimson Fire Guild players who were around it.

This roar disrupted their formation and caused many of their players to be instantly killed.

Of the 300 players who were attacking the boss only 50 something were alive.

No one was in a 500 meter radius area of the Double-Headed Bloody Lion.

Double-Headed Bloody Lion was lying on the ground there exhausted with only 1% of its HP.

No one noticed it before Ye Cheng slashed downwards with his dagger and killed the Double-Headed Bloody Lion.

Ye Cheng has been waiting for his chance the whole time and after the effect of the roar ended he rushed to the barely alive lion and finished it.

"What the heck! What a lucky b*stard." The crowd of people cursed.

"F**k! Who are you motherf**ker? You dare attack our Crimson Fire Guild's monster?" Shouted Fire Spear While struggling to stand from the boss's attacks

"Are you trying to go against the Crimson Fire Guild?" another player demanded.

Ye Cheng touch his head and smiled with embarrassment: "I just saw you guys struggling with this monster so I decided to lend a hand, no need to thank me. Just call me Lei Feng."

At this moment, Fire Spear saw the system message. and almost spat blood.

In a small team, no matter who kills the monster, the experience is split evenly. But if the monster was stolen by a player who is not in the team, that player will be able to get half of the experience.

Fire Spear thought: 'Damn you, who is the F**k will thank you! This shameless guy just wait after lv10, I will let you know what the meaning of cruelty is'

Under Lv10 players cannot PK, hence Crimson Fire Guild's players can only stare at Ye Cheng and curse him.

Suddenly everyone's jaws dropped open as they saw Ye Cheng walking to the boss's corpse and talking the loots.

"B*STARD! What's the f**k are doing? Don't you dare to touch a single piece of the loots!!!" Fire Spear was about to go mad when he saw Ye Cheng taking the loots.

They have spent this many effort to end up with both their boss and loots get taken by a stranger. As a large guild leader, how could he endure this shame?


Ye Cheng's objective in entering this game is to earn money. Not to have grudge with others so after collecting the loots in his space bag, he bowed in the direction of Fire Spear and said

"Don't worry! I'll help you use them for a good cause. I give you my thanks for this generous gift in place of poor people in the world. Your generosity will be written in the history"

After that Ye Cheng walked towards the deeper parts of the forest without looking back, leaving behind a bunch of people looking at each other is confusion.

He left just like that?

"D*MN B*STARD! Even if you escaped to the end of the plant I'll still make you pay the price!!!"

Fire Spear's howls could be heard through the entire forest, maybe even higher than that lion roar.

Inside the forest there was a wide area named "11th Zone" which was the home to packs of level 10 wolves. As this was the third day since the opening of the game the highest level player was only around lv 9. Compared to other areas this one was relatively devoid of players.

There was a small number of players that had formed parties of two or three to hunt.

In the game, skipping levels to slay monsters earned players more experience points than killing those of a similar or lower level so it was more efficient to hunt monsters of higher levels.

But skipping levels to slay monsters isn't that easy and takes more time than killing monsters of the same Level so it was not economical to go to the 11th Zone hunt monsters unless it is players with level close to Lv10.

Following the indicator on his map, Ye Cheng soon arrived at the 11th Zone and immediately ran to the spawning ground of the wolves.

The players have a headache when dealing with those wolves as they always exist as a pack with every pack consisting of at least six or seven wolves. Ordinary players had to form a party to hunt these wolves and even with a party they still need to pull one of the wolves away from the rest of the pack. But fighting in such a manner took greatly affected the efficiency of farming in this area.

A combined attack from six Lv10 wolves was enough to instantly kill any ordinary player so they could only go this way.

As they were the highest level monsters in the beginner village and had incredibly high drop rates, some brave players still take the risk and come to this area to hunt wolves.

As for Ye Cheng, after aimlessly walking around for a period of time he had finally encountered a pack of wolves!

Seeing Ye Cheng intrude upon their territory, the six wolves that were originally lazing around on the grass immediately stood up, bared their fangs and began to close in on him.

"Hey… Take it easy bodies I just came to hunt you, there is no need to get this fierce" Ye Cheng ridiculed as he attacked.

In the end, they were only low intelligent animals, all they knew was to attack with their fangs and claws.

Ye Cheng charged into the pack of wolves. Without wasting any time the wolves began to surround Ye Cheng as well.

With a flash of his leg, Ye Cheng evaded the attack from a wolf. He instantly kicked to the stomach of the nearest wolf.

With a pitiful yelp the wolf was sent flying.

Following that, Ye Cheng grabbed the wolf by its neck with his left hand and with the dagger in his right he slashed down.

The 3-hit combo finished the life of the poor wolf!

With a toss, Ye Cheng threw the wolf corpse towards the other five, hitting them and causing a confusion to their formation.

No one would have been able to imagine that a thief less than Lv10 would be able to annihilate a level 10 wolf in just one combo!

Thieves were known for their ability to sneak attack the enemies and using various types of traps and ambushes.

Only warrior type players will use this type of frontal fight, but if other warrior type player saw the way that Ye Cheng had killed the wolf they would blush with shame.

No one has ever heard of a thief more savage than a warrior.

Even Ye Cheng himself didn't think that his power in the Manual Mode will be to this degree.

The remaining five wolves immediately surrounded Ye Cheng again. However this didn't change their fates. With the exact same combo Ye Cheng easily annihilated another wolf.

Complete and utter annihilation!!!!!

The intelligence of these wolves wasn't anything spectacular and even their attacks were very stiff and robotic. Ye Cheng was able to easily grasp their attack patterns and turn them all into a large number of experience points in a short time.

With a bright flash of light, Ye Cheng rose to level 9 and became one of the top level players in the game.

Every level up will give the player 5 SP (Skill Points).

Ye Cheng hadn't used any of his SP since he started leveling up so he has a large number of 40 SP unused. Ye Cheng decided to distribute 20 points to Strength and 20 to Agility then he began to pick up the items that the wolf pack dropped.

In total the wolves had dropped around 30 or 40 Copper coins which was way more than what the Giant Rats had dropped. Furthermore, the first wolf had also dropped an item!

Magic Resistance increased by 3%

Level requirement: 7

"Although I have no use for it, I can sell it for some money. Even if it is a mosquito meat it is still meat"

Keeping the Grey Wolf's Protective Armlet, Ye Cheng sat down to recover some of his MP and then continued to roam around slaying all the wolves he came across.