MeiMei's Happiest Day

When Ye Chen woke up in the morning, he found Li Lian was in the kitchen making the breakfast.

He got up, wore his clothes and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

When Ye Chen went out of the bathroom, Li Lian has already finished cooking and was putting the dishes on the table while MeiMei was waiting in her seat.

Ye Cheng took his seat and the family of three started eating.

"After a while I'll take MeiMei to sign up for kindergarten. I'll also go to sister Zhang to pay the rent" said Ye Cheng while eating.

"Ok! But you need to take care of MeiMei well. Don't leave her alone for any reason, you have to always keep your eye on her"

Li Lian said with a concerned tone.

Although she knew that Ye Cheng has changed but she couldn't stop herself from worrying, after all his change was just came suddenly.

"You are worrying too much. She is my daughter, how can I not take care of her?" said Ye Cheng with an awkward smile.

When he has finished eating, Ye Cheng took the initiative to pick up the bowls and washed it.

Seeing Ye Cheng taking the initiative to do housework had shocked Li Lian, but thinking of the changes in Ye Cheng these few days, Li Lian was starting to get used to it.

After the breakfast Li Lian hurriedly went to work.

"MeiMei, come on we are going out!" Ye Chen called his daughter and helped her change her clothes and put on her shoe.

"Where are we going, papa?" Asked MeiMei while staring at Ye Cheng with her big eyes.

"First we will pay aunt Zhang a visit then go to the kindergarten to make MeiMei sign up there" said Ye Cheng with a gentle smile on his face.

"What is a kindergarten?" Asked MeiMei with an innocent voice

"It a place where you can learn a lot of knew things, have much fun and make many friends" said Ye Cheng while rubbing MeiMei's head.

The two then went upstairs to the landlady sister Zhang's apartment and knocked on the door.

"Oh! Why did you come here this early? Did you bring with you the rent?" sister Zhang asked indifferently

When sister Zhang opened the door, she was surprised to find that it was Ye Cheng but she quickly returned to her expressionless face.

"Thank you for always taking care of MeiMei and sorry for paying the rent this late" Ye Cheng looked at the landlady sister Zhang and thanked her and apologized for delaying the rent then handed her the money.

Sister Zhang was shocked for a moment when Ye Cheng gave her the money and didn't know what to say, she could only slightly nod her head in acknowledgement.

When he saw Sister Zhang nodding her head, Ye Cheng brought MeiMei downstairs.

Right after Ye Cheng left, her husband's gloomy came voice from the room: "Wife, did that guy, Ye Cheng from downstairs came up?"

"Yes." Zhang Biyu replied faintly.

"Did Ye Cheng pay the house rent? It have been so many months and they keep dragging it. We are not opening a charity, if they still say that they don't have money just drive them out." Zhu Yixian said while resting on the sofa.

"They have just paid the rent. You can come and count them." Zhang Biyu took out the stack of money that was given to her by Ye Chen a while ago and placed it in front of Zhu Yixian.

"Eh? Isn't his house so poor that they almost couldn't afford to buy food to eat? Just relying on his wife meagre earnings to go on living, how did they come up with so much money?" Zhu Yixian took the money with a bit of shock.

"If you want to know then go and ask him." Zhang Biyu rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to continue her housework.


The sky slowly rained.

The sky was covered in dark clouds and the street was wet from the rain.

This gave the person depressed feeling.

At this time, a light wind came blowing away the dark clouds in the sky, allowing the warm sunlight to fall on the people faces.

Ye Cheng carried his daughter from when they left sister Zhang's apartment and went to the bank to withdraw some money, then they both boarded a public bus. The kindergarten would start in two days' time, hence Ye Cheng decided to pay the school fee in advance today.

While riding the public bus, through the bus window MeiMei saw many cars bypassing the bus in a fast speed, her eyes blinked eyes are drawn towards those cars and excitedly said to Ye Cheng: "Papa, look! These cars are faster than the public bus!"

Ye Cheng smiling forcefully and said to her: "Yes, they are fast, even the public bus can't catch them."

MeiMei blinked her cute and big eyes and naïvely asked: "Then how much is a trip?"

Ye Cheng was unable to speak for a moment. After a while, he pinched her cheeks: "In the future papa will buy a super attractive car and will take MeiMei to any place she wants, by then we will not need to spend money."

When the bus reached the station of the kindergarten, the got down of the bus and went to the kindergarten.

After paying the school fees, Ye Cheng was still left with good some of money.

When they were walking they passed a candy stall so Ye Cheng asked his daughter: "Do you wish to eat candy?"

Usually other family child walks past such kind of candy stall, they will pull the adults and cry that they want some candy. But MeiMei was very sensibly and shook her head, indicating that she didn't want.

Ye Cheng saw that MeiMei wanted to save money. From his memories he knew that she rarely ate candy because of their financial problems, for some reason his heart ached and after thinking about it, he decided to buy her some. Also he have earn a small sum of money, even after returning Zhou Jing loan, he would still have some left.

"Don't worry about the money. Father will earn more in the future"

As he said that Ye Cheng went to the stall and bought a few pieces of candy for MeiMei.

Ye Cheng then brought MeiMei to a shoe shop. Since his daughter was going to school soon, he wanted to buy two new shoes for her, as the shoes she was wearing have been worn for a long time.

"Boss, do you sell young children shoes? Like this child who is almost 5 years old."

When they enter the shop they found a middle aged man with a thin mustache sitting on a chair while reading a book so Ye Cheng went in front of him and asked.

"What size does your daughter wear?" the boss put down his book.

"Almost 5 years old."

"What do you mean by almost 5 years old? 5 years old children feet sizes are all different, can be big or small." The boss shook his head and said: "What kind of father are you, not even knowing what shoes size your own daughter wear. Let's let your daughter try out the shoes herself."

Ye Cheng lowered his head awkwardly and let MeiMei try out the shoes. After thinking about it his predecessor had never bought a single thing for both his daughter and wife.

Finally, MeiMei picked out a cute pink shoe, which was too big for her to wear.

Ye Cheng shook his head and said: "MeiMei, this pair of shoes is too big, you should change to a pair that fits your feet."

"No, mama said choose bigger ones, so that it can be worn for more years." MeiMei stubbornly shook her head.

Ye Cheng could feel pain in his heart. Picking up the pair of shoes that MeiMei have chosen: "Boss change it to a smaller pair."

At this time Ye Cheng also saw that inside the shop, there was a few cute stuff toys in plastic bag. Ye Cheng choses a toy that has the shape of a cute rabbit and was slightly bigger than MeiMei and asked: "Boss how much is one of these?

After they left the shoes shop Ye Cheng remembered that he should also buy something for his wife, so he took the exited MeiMei to look for something that can suit his wife.

By the time the two wanted to return home it was in the evening.

The wind have stopped making noise. Today's evening is especially beautiful, the horizon have a few reddish clouds, warms the heart and delights the eye.

Ye Cheng took the public bus with MeiMei and returned home with an arm full of items.

MeiMei who was at the side of Ye Cheng was smiling from ear to ear, this must have been the happiest day in her life.