(not related to the story)

I'd like to thank everyone who supported this novel to continue whither by comments or voting by power stones

Thank you very much and I hope to have your support in the future.

I'd also like to thank everyone who came with ideas to make this novel better. It might still be an immature work in its beginning stages but I'll try to improve it more in the future.

There is another thing I wanted to talk about "Why there is some scenes similar to other novels"

This thing I have talked about before the start of the novel. If some of you didn't read it you can take a look at the Auxiliary Volume ch1

Some of you might have read novels that had similar parts before but in the end you liked some while disliked the others. The reason is that they are deferent novels even if they had similar parts.

I hope that those who read this novel and enjoy it won't estimate the development of the story based on other novels because this is a deferent one.

Thanks again and I hope you have fun.

PS. Tomorrow will be a bonus chapter.