Paying The Debt

The taxi was very fast, within ten minutes, Ye Cheng had arrived at the street where Zhou Jing's house was at.

Ye Cheng knocked on the door and soon the door of the house was opened revealing the pale faced Zhou Jing.

His complexion seems to be haggard, his hair was unkempt, he had grown a beard and his eyes were as red as blood with dark circles around them. It looks like he hadn't slept for a few days.

Ye Cheng looked at the panda eyes Zhou Jing and sighed his condition now was the same as when he lost his job.

After opening the door Zhou Jing said softly: "Since you have come then come in."

When Ye Cheng entered, he looked around and realized that other than Zhou Jing, there was no one else in the house so he was a little surprised.

Ye Cheng looked at Zhou Jing with enquiring look, from the moment he saw Zhou Jing he had a bad feeling that something must have happened in his brother's house.

Zhou Jing ignored Ye Cheng's enquiring look as if he didn't see it and lied down on the sofa exhaustedly then said to Ye Cheng: "Looking at your appearance you must be lacking of money, I'll get my salary from the company in a few day at that time I'll lend you some by then."

Ye Cheng was not in a hurry to explain the purpose of his visit today and asked instead: "Don't need to spend money? How can your family live for the next month and also what happed? Why are you the only one in the house at this time?"

"I do not need money now, I had angered my wife and we had a little dispute after that she took our child with her and went to her parents' home to stay for some time." Zhou Jing massaged his panda eyes and yawned before continuing: "There shouldn't be any problem, after all her parents dotes her and will take care of her and the child well."

"Why?" Ye Cheng felt that there must had a deeper problem and it was not as simple as what he said.

"Sigh, what else can it be, just a normal quarrel between couples after she calm down a little she will return"

Ye Cheng sighed inwardly he knew that Zhou Jing must be lying, Zhou Jing and his wife loved each other very much even after that incident that left Zhou Jing jobless for some time, she was willing to stay with him.

How could she leave him because of a normal quarrel there must be something else: "Say the truth, this lie can deceive an outsider but not me, how much do you think we have known each other?"

"Sigh! It really nothing major, just a little dispute and everything will return normal after some time" Zhou Jing shook his head and still insisted that it was just a small thing and didn't want to trouble Ye Cheng with his own problems.

When Ye Cheng heard him, he did not ask about this anymore because he knew how stubborn his friend could be even if he asked again he wouldn't get any useful information.

Ye Cheng was a smart person so even if Zhou Jing didn't say it he could guess the reason for this. Of course no matter how smart was Ye Cheng he wouldn't have known that Zhou Jing's wife asked for divorce.

Ye Cheng silently took out his phone and moved his fingers a bit.

At this time Zhou Jing's phone rang, Zhou Jing looked curiously at the SMS that he suddenly received and his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

What was written in the SMS: account XXXXX user have transfer to you 30000 Yuans.

Zhou Jing asked in shock: "Where did you get the money from?" He did not need to think much about the source of the money, other than Ye Cheng who would send him money at this time.

"I earned then from playing the game. Sorry, but this what I could get this time, after some time I'll still pay you the rest" Ye Cheng looked at him and said seriously.

"Don't mention that, I'm glad that you have really changed and could find something that suited you! But you should keep this money with you, I have no need for money for the time being. You should take care of your wife and daughter well, you owe them too much." Zhou Jing was surprised that by playing games Ye Cheng could earn this much money in a short time but he didn't envy him or have any jealousy, he was just happy for his brother.

"Don't worry I won't let them suffer again in the future, Zhou Jing, are you satisfied with your current job? Why don't you come and join…"

Before Ye Cheng could finish his sentence, Zhou Jing interrupted him

"I know that you want to help me and I'm grateful for your good intention but you understand my character well. I'm not suitable for this, I have my own way."

After hearing what Zhou Jing said, Ye Cheng does not say anything, instead he sat silently on the sofa. Although Ye Cheng was confident that with his skill he could help Zhou Jing reach the top of the game and earn much money, he knew that Zhou Jing has his pride and won't accept something that was given to him by someone and not earned through his own skill.

Zhou Jing never gave up on reaching the top of the business field so Ye Cheng somewhat was expecting this result.

The room was involved in a strange silence, then Zhou Jing lit up a cigarette and offered one to Ye Cheng. The sofa in Zhou Jing house that they were sitting on was a hardwood sofa and the cushion color have already completely faded.

The two of them silently smoke the cigarette.

"Ok! I respect your choice brother and I believe that you will be a top CEO in the future. I will return home first, also If you have ever changed your mind and wanted to try the game, you can call me at any time" Ye Cheng said seriously while looking at Zhou Jing's eyes, after he finished he stood up to return home.