Better Behave Yourself

"General Xu..."

"I'm here. Anything to report?"

Xu Rouguang was on his way to go home that day. Liu Qiu did a good job in pretending that last night's dinner didn't happen. Even if he had ten stitches in his right palm, he still decided to go to work. Aside from the blood that bothered him, the pain kept him awake and away from getting scared of Lai Mingjie's fate.

When he received a message from Brother Blue over his private messages, he was surprised. Did this 'loyal' follower of his pick the shortest straw and become the person who would break such awful news to him?

"Yes. We're coming to the Crimson City. General Liu was supposed to meet us... but can I trouble you to bring Chartreuse with you? I'll give you the location."

"I can do that, but why should I come see you?"

A few seconds passed before he replied, and these few seconds shook Xu Rouguang's heart. Anytime soon, there would be a bomb that would be dropped on him. Please let him be able to take it.