Xu Chenguang [Mature Content]

The supposedly long and fun day was cut short when Lai Mingjie decided to take Han Tianshi back home already. In the car with its trunk filled with bags, Xu Rouguang drove back to their condominium. He kept on eyeing at Lai Mingjie in the backseat and at Han Tianshi who was leaning on his chest. The woman had already lost consciousness after crying for a while. However, she seemed to be scared to death as she wrung her arms around Lai Mingjie all the time she was awake.

Lai Mingjie wasn't paying attention to Xu Rouguang at the moment. He was only looking out of the window, recalling and overthinking again and again. He was being pulled down in this helpless state, but he kept on remembering Xu Rouguang. He didn't want that phantom princess crossing his mind.