Last Memory of Them

"I'm so beat..."

"Hehe, you deserve a treat. Let's eat out for dinner later. I found this nice restaurant by the lakeside..."

Lai Mingjie and Xu Rouguang chatted as they walked back to the Finance floor to resume work. Their lunches were already delivered in their office so they just planned on eating shortly before helping Liu Qiu out in their collective workload.

"Rou, I saw you talking to Tianshi earlier. Did she say something stupid?"

"It's not stupid if it makes sense to normal people." The general chuckled, but his eyes were filled with glee. He was still feeling the success of the year-end financial. After that, there was also Lai Mingjie's birthday ball. There was too much to get excited for, and he had no more time thinking about Han Tianshi's claims as the rightful wife.