Pardon My Ignorance

The rows of barriers were basically invisible to the human eyes, but a woman with silky black hair and blue lips stood just outside it. Her expression was grave as she kept on thinking about ways to get through.

"Emodao... Zhenye and Wenrou are going to attack... I need to warn you... but how?" She murmured as her worried eyes flickered.

Soon, a presence behind her racked her nerves. She put up her guard and flung behind her, spotting a guy who casually walked up to her side. He didn't even pay attention to that hostile face she was wearing. The man only whistled, hiding his weird anatomy underneath the clothes of a normal civilian. If he wasn't a demon who reeked of decaying aura, his charms would have easily caught the eyes of multiple women.

He then brought a foot up and kicked on the barrier, the dome barely reacting to his feeble force. Retaining his foot on the dome, he laughed out. "Damn, that Snowplume sure had a lot of power to waste just to see her prospect husband."