So Warm

The dripping sound nearby gradually roused Song Yi'er's senses. When she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was in a dark place. A hand came to her face, and she groaned as she tried to remember what happened earlier. Ah, right... she fainted after witnessing such gross scene. It was good that her stomach was tough, and she needlessly vomited in disgust. Then again, she had gone through a violent morning sickness stage... she didn't want to vomit unless she needed to expel food out of her throat.

Upon remembering the handsome man, she began looking around. She could hear dripping water, but there was no source of light whatsoever around her. Her eyes couldn't see past her chest and her blooming belly. Then again, she could feel a rough rag underneath her. It also had that old smell like it was a disposed carpet instead. Her fingers groped to her side, hoping to find the edge of the carpet... but her hand landed on a firm and warm surface.