Could be Fatal

"Hah! Hah! Hah!"

The loud shouts of the training warriors were the first loud sound of the morning. In the courtyard of the vast Imperial Xu castle, Xu Chenguang was overseeing the new recruits in their training. At the side were men testing out their combat skills with one another. Despite the absence of celestial energy, they all seemed worked up in getting strong.

She nodded to herself as she grew a bit satisfied with her sights. She stood at the side in her dull-blue warrior garbs and her elegant white armor. Her hair was left flowing at the back and her fringe held back by jade hairclips. Even while training, her face was enhanced by cosmetics—she didn't sweat anyway. Then again, she was only forced to do so because she feared that her men would swoon over another person that wasn't her.

Alas, that person 'that wasn't her' had come.

"It's Lord Rou!" one of the newbies called out.