That Maiden's Name

Full pardon! Everything that Emodao did on his reign of terror was nothing that could be compared to what Xu Rouguang had done. If choosing meant keeping one's life, they would even say Emodao's reign of terror was way worse. However, they just saw their revered Highest Imperial Princess present a full pardon contract to him.

In exchange for Xu Rouguang, that is.

Bingxing and Lanyan almost trembled on their spots. That contract was too powerful for any demon to resist. If anything, that was what everyone would ever want. A full pardon meant everything they had ever done in their demon lifetime would be forgiven and forgotten. Being reborn again and again should be exhausting, and if Nuwa depended on their sins to design their lives, all demons would have to be living in hell.

If it was someone like Emodao, then... his life must have been pretty nasty. Only living for thirty years before being reborn again? No two lives were of the same kind?