I'm Dying

Yu Shenqi wanted to see her baby, and so she asked Lai Julong to take Lai Mingjie home tonight. As the two entered the car, it rolled off of the parking lot. Lai Julong only hummed as he glanced at Lai Mingjie once. "Jie, that woman... you know her?"

"Ah, yeah, a friend from outside work... before. Don't worry, she's not into me." Lai Mingjie almost snorted in ridicule. "Why does everyone think Yi'er is into me?"

"Someone that pretty normally gets targeted. You are a kind person, Jie. I can imagine you protecting her."

Lai Mingjie only twisted his lips into a pout. Well, Lai Julong did hit it on the nose. However, the younger Lai couldn't really envision Song Yi'er looking at him like that. In the first place, he was a demon; that was already a red flag.

He then sighed as he leaned against the seat. "Don't let Mother know about her. I swear I wouldn't hear the end of it."

"She knows."
