Play With You Later

"Jie, I heard a beautiful woman went to see you today." Lai Julong cleared his throat. They were about to head home again, and the father noticed how his son wilted after that meeting with a certain lady... that his wife told him about.

Yu Shenqi had told him everything she wanted to know and even said she had eyes all over the company. Even if she was not present in the place physically, she could easily get information from her sources. She was even the one who gossiped about that pretty lady that went to see Lai Mingjie earlier... that pretty lady Lai Julong had never seen before.

"Hm? Yeah, I guess she is beautiful." His response wasn't even a well-rounded one. If someone called Chartreuse beautiful, then she was; if she was called ugly, he wouldn't even disagree. His son wasn't really up for any kind of conversation afterward that meeting; he even asked to reschedule all his meetings in the afternoon.