The Golden Bull

Emodao was just one demon, and yet he could decimate the whole city within minutes. All the people living in the city were killed, and Nuwa didn't even dare stop him. She was only watching from the hills as the sky continued to crackle.

In the far distance, lightning struck down relentlessly and crushed the capital city. The king was watching his city burn to the ground helplessly. His queen joined him at the balcony, but her face was cold and angry. She then glared at her husband.

"I have long told you that the goddess existed. Not only did you kill the rest of the Human Divinity Army, but you also killed one of her seeresses. My love, how could you betray humanity?" The queen then turned away to walk off.

"No, the diviner said the tragedy would..."

"Is this not tragedy?!" The queen yelled at him. "You incurred the wrath of the goddess and sent innocent lives to the grave. A tragedy? If that's not you, what else is?"
