Old Time's Sake

Xu Rouguang only stayed for a while to chat with Wenrou and occasionally scold Dunzhao. Their plan had fallen apart, yes; but it didn't mean that there was nothing that could be salvaged from it. As it stood, Nuwa was craftier than they all expected; none of them knew that she was willing to throw the powerless Emodao into the fray. Whether she blackmailed him or not, Xu Rouguang had to admit that he had already lost.

In their attempt to revive Youming, three sentinels had been accidentally killed in the prison while four escaped them and vanished. The remaining five took up posts, but one of them was also killed during a fight. Right now, another one was at the frontlines of Nuwa's wrath. As it stood, they were suffering heavy losses.

Xu Rouguang was lying when he said 'heavy losses'. Everyone knew that if they lost, they would die.