One of Those Idiots

Exhaustion, anxiety... frustration...

Liu Xia had been drowning in these three ever since the night had arrived. At first, she made the mistake of leaving the city upon receiving Chartreuse's warning. She was scared to have the first battalion over for the fear of them resorting to destroying the city. So many innocent lives were in the city, but she knew how cruel the Imperial Army could be firsthand.

When they first heard that the Abyss had broken out of her chains, she wanted to dash down in top speed. However, she noticed how the water towered all over and had taken the attention of neighboring cities. She advised everyone to build illusion zones to hide the phenomenon. What she didn't know was that the water was infused with abyssal energy. The moment the zone touched the water, it broke. No matter where they put it, the water would splash and break it.