Emodao, You Have to Help Me

Teacher Mo and the police officer were shocked. This very cute girl with a black cloth along her eyes was claiming Lai Mingyan as her own. Now, now, wasn't she the newcomer? The teacher then looked at the shy girl holding Lai Mingyan's hand. Aqua bit her lip before latching on Lai Mingyan's arm that she was holding onto.


"He's mine!"



Lai Mingyan was lost at what to do. He never had any experience of getting pulled like this. However, he could only rely on the things that his bad daddy told him from time to time. Lai Mingyan started shaking his arms as if taking them both off of him. The girls paused and let go of him with hesitation, both seemingly going to cry at any moment.

Then... he reached out and pulled both girls toward him. Mao Lina and Aqua were surprised, but they still clutched on his shirt at the same time. Without any emotion on his face, he spoke...

"It's okay. I'm going to be rich."
