No Limit

Using Mao Fengli's secret passage back to Heaven, Mao Jixue found herself standing inside a room in the Imperial Mao Palace again... an hour after she last saw Xu Rouguang and Lai Mingjie. His cold words still reverberated in her mind as if she was more sensitive to the underlying loathing that hid underneath.

Her eyes blinked before she took steps to get out and make her way back to her room. As she walked, she looked out at the windows and saw the bright sky of the never-ending morning in Heaven. Against the soothing night sky back in Crimson City, Mao Jixue only felt burned by the stark light coming from outside.


A woman appeared from a corner and quickly locked her gaze at the Highest Imperial Princess that had unknowingly paused while staring at the window in deep thought. She then spoke as she made her way to the princess, "Jixue, is it true that you let Lina and Lijun descend?"