Enviable Couple

Xu Rouguang closed his head and massaged his forehead. It was only nine in the morning, and he was already waiting to get past a red light. Just this morning, Song Yi'er shared a rather hilarious scene back at the kitchen when they were waiting for the children to finish bathing and change into their new clothes. It seemed that Lai Mingyan was not as innocent as he was because of his Daddy dear, and Xu Rouguang wanted to cry.

This was not the first time it happened. He didn't know why Mingyan still kept on listening to his Daddy's jokes. Yes, the first time, Lai Mingyan spoke about being rich so he could indeed accept two wives. This time, he found out that Aqua and Meteor only shared a father because their daddy had two wives. So... yes, of course, what stopped him from having two wives indeed?

What made him cry was that Lai Mingyan was just five. What would happen if he kept on meeting women? Would he accept them all as his wives? What about Lina and Aqua?