First Crush


Lai Yunzan never felt so much at ease in his entire life. Even if Xu Rouguang threw him at one of the most secluded departments in JT, at least everyone was being good to him. No one at the Human Resources ever told him that he was an unwanted child and compared him to his brother who was way better than him in many ways. They only giggled at the fact that he was so new to the working adult life and had been very patient with him.

It was already noon time so most of them had gone down to the cafeteria to buy lunch. Lai Yunzan walked out of their office and got a few invites by his coworkers to join them, but he had to decline. He knew how lonesome his brother was, and he had to make sure that guy would even eat.

The older twin took out his phone and wanted to call his brother, but he saw that it's been weeks since his friend had said he's going to visit him. Since it was lunch break, Lai Yunzan shrugged his shoulder and got on the phone while walking.