Let's Have a Wager

The morning came once again, and Shui Ying felt like he had slept like a log. Last night was the deepest sleep he had in his entire life, and he wondered if he was still in the same year when he woke up. However, when he saw that Wen Qingyuan only rolled in his sleep, he was rather glad. Ah, only a night had passed. Good.

He would have another one of these then.

Strange sounds came from Wen Qingyuan's mobile phone, and Shui Ying knew that that was his alarm. The digital clock on the side wall registered six in the morning, and it was time for him to prepare for work. Shui Ying moved out of their bed and savored the sight of the almost naked man next to him. He then reached out to pat Wen Qingyuan awake.

"Wen Lang, wake up. You'll be late for work..." Shui Ying whispered to the man's ear lowly, hoping to get under Wen Qingyuan's skin. However, the latter only hummed. "Five more minutes, Ying..."

"Eh?" Shui Ying didn't mishear him, did he? "Wen Lang..."