[Bonus Chapter 8] Is it Possible for Love to Run Out? [Mature Content]

It was a pretty wild day; gusts of wind kept on tossing things into the air like a waterspout was about to disturb YL Bay. However, it seemed to be targeting a certain group of married men, and it wouldn't let up until they just cursed Lai Mingjie to his face that afternoon before leaving.

Xu Rouguang felt indignant as the men didn't let him play with them longer. However, Lai Mingjie only wanted him to forget about them. He should outgrow his petty ways and just stick to big boy games.

Hehe, did Lai Mingjie mean that they would be playing a big boy game later?

Somewhere on the beach, Xu Rouguang was walking with Lai Mingjie along the sand. It was dark as it was night, but Xu Rouguang summoned the wisps of light Lai Mingjie loved so much. The faint light gave light to where they were walking, and Lai Mingjie loved it even if he could see in the dark very well.

The very image of Xu Rouguang radiating in the sea of darkness was the best view of all.