Energy Vacuum of a Child

When Mingyan woke up again, he crawled out of the bed. Both of his parents were still sleeping, but the child felt something strange about the room. It wasn't like the house Aqua had; there was something in the air that kept on rushing inside his body. He felt like he was being breathed on by so many things.

After walking around the room and shivering without a sound, he went to wake up his Daddy. He would never wake up his Mommy and make him lose sleep. "Daddy, Daddy, wake up..."

"Mm? What is it?" Lai Mingjie only rolled in his spot and popped an eye open to see Mingyan and his scared face. This automatically made the demon king sit up and slip out of bed to carry his son. "Tell Daddy."

"Daddy, I feel weird. It's not cold, but there's a lot of air." Mingyan rubbed his arms as if he didn't like being kissed by the air. "I don't like how it feels. Is Mingyan sick?"