Just One Big Sacrifice is All it Takes pt 1

Hearts ached when they all saw Nuwa's figure turn white before being washed away by the wind. The shield protecting them shattered under Xu Rouguang's weight, and Li Feijun even had to catch him lest he'd fall on top of someone else.

Li Lingai then floated near Lai Mingjie and looked down at him. "...Uncle, can you stand?"

"...What did she say before passing?"

"I wasn't listening. Ask Big Brother."

Lai Mingjie tried to get Xu Rouguang into his vision, but he couldn't even see a strand of his hair. The demon king took a few seconds before forcing himself to sit up. The same was being done by everyone else who weren't knocked out by the fall.

Instead of worrying about the aftermath, General Qilin got to his hands and knees to see if Bu Shanling was already dead or just out.