[Bonus Chapter 16] I Belong With You, and You Belong With Me [Alternate Reality]

The letters lit up, but a dot in the sky rivaled her glow. Before they knew it, a thin beam shot down from Heaven and struck Mao Fuhua. It caused the air to toss and turn, even pushing away the demons. Mao Jixue screamed at the impact, but Xu Rouguang flew to the humans and built a wind wall to protect them.

Amidst Mao Fuhua's elongated scream was the breaking sound of her soul. Her Bloom Decoy automatically deployed, but what was her soul's strength against Nuwa's Intervention?

Bang! Upon the destruction of the pink flower shield, her body was ripped apart.

A massive force had also added to the initial beam, and the wind wall broke. Xu Rouguang was prepared to be decimated, but Emodao went to use his body to shield him and the people his wife protected. Bingxing, Zhenye, and Dunzhao had also caught the blast to protect the rest of the demon army.