This Never Happened Before

After going out of the funeral home, Xiao Yi found Liu Xia standing around the parking lot. Even if it was just minutes before lunch, her lonely body in the middle of the car rows made Xiao Yi feel so lonely. He then walked towards her.

"Liu Xia, let's talk."

"I'm not Xu Rouguang. You don't need to cater to me," Liu Xia whispered, her cold eyes glaring at the soft scene of sunlight in front of her. "You should head back and watch the people for me. Mingyan tried to talk to me earlier, but I just ignored him. Something must be happening."

"He's probably worried about you. You're still an Auntie Xia to him." Xiao Yi rubbed his head before standing behind her. "Liu Xia, you might not be Xu Rouguang, but I've seen so many things that repressed anger towards the gods have brought. Don't try to shake the Heavens…

"You will both collapse."