What Stands between You and Going Home to Me

Can't handle this…?

Lai Mingjie sat up and pulled his wife against his body and held onto him tightly. He even tried to sway Xu Rouguang who was already crying. "Shhh, it's okay. It's getting very stuffy in here. I don't think you'll keep your sanity if you stayed here any longer. Let's go out..."


Xu Rouguang could only say one word before Lai Mingjie turned both of them into a black dot and rushed past the ventilation of the funeral hall. The black dot traveled far into the city and flew across the towering buildings that had sprouted in the last twenty years.

JT was no longer the highest building in the city, but it had become a business center in itself. The buildings around it had been converted into other departments, and so the once-twin towers had become a castle. Of course, Lai Yunzhi was the recognized king.